




    • 131 Christians Everyone Should Know

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $10.59.

      Get acquainted with the most intriguing, courageous, and inspiring people who ever lived! The editors of Christian History offer succinct, powerful portraits of St. Augustine, Johann Sebastian Bach, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and 128 other remarkable believers. Timelines, quotes, and photographs reveal how they lived, what they believed, and how their faith affected the course of history.

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    • Last Words Of Saints And Sinners

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $11.99.

      1. The Cameos Of Death
      2. The Modes Of Death
      3. Farewell At Death
      4. The Company Of Martyrs
      5. Records Of Dying Words
      6. The Scottish Covenanters
      7. The Fear Of Death
      8. The Art Of Dying Well
      9. The Death Of The Saints

      240 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The last words of the dying have fascinated readers throughout history. They provide a brief glimpse through the window of human character, revealing the fears, hopes, courage, and legacies of both the famous and not so famous.

      This collection of seven hundred quotes features the last words of kings, commoners, atheists, poets, politicians, and martyred Christians. Carefully researched and collected by well known author Herbert Lockyer, these final utterances cover a wide variety of topics including heaven, hell, good, evil, justice, judgment, and even humor. Also included is a helpful introduction by the author, outlining the historical context of the last words as well as a summary of the Christian view of death.

      An instructive work for even the casual reader and a ready reference source for the pastor or public speaker.

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    • Hiding Place (Deluxe)

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.69.

      An amazing story of faith amidst the horrors of the Holocaust, The Hiding Place has a richly-deserved place among the Christian classics. In this autobiographical account, Corrie ten Boom tells of her family’s attempt to save Dutch Jews from a Nazi roundup-until their efforts were discovered and the entire family sent to a concentration camp. Her father and sister would die in captivity, but Corrie would survive to write, preach, and personally share the story of God’s love and forgiveness-even to her former Nazi captors! Now in a deluxe collector’s edition, this unabridged classic will thrill readers of all ages.

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    • Adoniram Judson : Bound For Burma

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $5.29.

      As America’s first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson thirsted to see the Good News brought to the shrouded land of Burma. His thirst would be quenched, but at an unimaginable price. Adoniram survived starvation, imprisonment, and torture both on land and at sea only to watch his family, coworkers, and friends succumb to death.

      In spite of heartache and depression, Adoniram Judson translated the entire Bible into Burmese. To this day his work remains the only Burmese translation of the Bible available. Adoniram and his first wife Ann were the spark that spread the fire of the Gospel into Burma, and their evident love for the Burmese people is a compelling story of unswerving dedication and sacrifice.

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    • David Livingstone : Africas Trailblazer

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $6.50.

      The lion’s jaws gripped David Livingstone’s arm. Razor-sharp teeth pierced his flesh as the lion savagely shook David in the air like a rag doll. A gunshot ran out. God help us, David moaned, as the lion dropped him and turned to charge David’s friend Mebalwe.

      With the heart of an explorer and the passion of an evangelist, David Livingstone mapped vast, unexplored areas of Africa, sharing the gospel with whomever he encountered. His stamina, perseverance, and dogged determination created the legacy of a trailblazing explorer with an undying hunger to make Christ known wherever his steps led him.

      David Livingstone’s captivating adventures and tireless zeal continue to inspire countless men and women to bring the gospel message of God’s love to those souls who have never heard. (1813-1873)

      This best-selling, missionary biography series – Christian Heroes: Then & Now – chronicles the exciting, challenging, and deeply touching true stories of ordinary men and women whose trust in God accomplished extraordinary exploits for His kingdom and glory.

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    • Autobiography Of George Muller

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $8.59.



      1. An Unlikely Preacher
      2. The Prodigal’s Return
      3. Stepping Out Into Ministry
      4. Preaching, Studying, And Growth
      5. Learning To Live By Faith
      6. Beginning The Ministry At Bristol
      7. The Scriptural Knowledge Institution
      8. Proving God’s Faithfulness
      9. The Ministry Expands
      10. Persevering Under Trial
      11. Trusting God For Every Need
      12. Asking And Receiving
      13. Looking To The Lord
      14. Faith Strengthened By Exercise
      15. Daily Prayer And Timely Answers
      16. Food For Growing Faith
      17. A Time Of Prosperity
      18. God Builds A Miracle
      19. Answering God’s Call To Service
      20. A New Victory Of Faith
      22. Receiving More To Give More
      23. More Work And Greater Miracles
      24. Continued Prosperity And Growth
      25. The Spirit’s Work Among Us
      Conclusion P. 236

      Additional Info
      What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Muller discovered the endless possibilities!

      These excerpts from his diary allow Muller to tell his own story. Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for thousands of English children, depending upon God’s response to his prayer of faith to supply all things. You will learn how to:

      *pray in faith and receive answers
      *seek God for direction
      *find the ultimate purpose for your life
      *rest in God’s loving care

      George Muller’s unwavering, childlike dependence upon his heavenly Father will inspire you to confidently trust the God of the impossible in every area of your life.

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    • Eric Liddell : Something Greater Than Gold

      Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $6.90.

      1. Doing The Impossible
      2. Going Home
      3. A Rising Sports Star
      4. Something Even More Important
      5. Against All Odds
      6. Local Hero
      7. A Troubled Land
      8. The Flying Scotsman
      9. There Was Just One Problem
      10. Together At Last
      11. Li Mu Shi
      12. More Coal
      13. Across The Ocean
      14. Enemies
      15. The Courtyard Of The Happy Way
      16. Uncle Eric
      17. A Very Special Person

      Additional Info
      As the race began, it had seemed obvious that Eric Liddell was overmatched. Now the crowd in the Olympic stadium hushed as this runner from Scotland refused to be passed. As Eric crossed the finish line, the crowd erupted in applause heard all over Paris. Eric Liddell had done the impossible. A new world record had been set !
      Eric’s refusal earlier that week to run on Sunday in the Olympic 100-meter race had stunned the world. Now this incredible victory in the 400-meteer race further strengthened his belief in God’s promise,
      He who honors Me, I will honor.
      Years later, Eric Liddell would be tested far beyond mere physical ability as a missionary to China. His Character, perseverance, and endurance are a challenging example for all who would obey the call to bring the gospel to the nations.

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    • Letters Of D Martyn Lloyd Jones

      Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $26.00.

      Here, in over one hundred of his personal letters, we encounter Martyn Lloyd-Jones first hand. In this attractive and fascinating volume Iain Murray divides the correspondence in a way which gives insight into the different areas of Lloyd-Jones’ life.

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    • Rebel With A Cause

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $9.99.

      In his autobiography, Franklin Graham tells his story of how God has taken his life and turned it into His Glory. Elizabeth Dole says, Franklin has provided a very thoughtful and provocative account of how a young man develops and matures in his faith as the son of one of the world’s most respected and admired spiritual leaders.

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    • Five English Reformers

      Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.00.

      The conviction that martyrs, though dead, can still speak to the church, led Ryle to pen these pungent biographies of five English Reformers. He analyses the reasons for their martyrdom and points out the salient characteristics of their lives.

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    • D Martyn Lloyd-Jones 2

      Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $34.99.

      The ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel which began at the outbreak of World War II was suddenly changed at the point at which this volume begins. His hard work in the difficult War and post-War years became the preparation for his great influence in London in the fifties and sixties. But these pages trace his ministry into wider circles – to the Universities, to Europe, the United States, South Africa and ultimately, in his books, to the whole world.

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    • To The Golden Shore (Anniversary)

      Original price was: $23.00.Current price is: $17.99.

      On February 12, 1812, Ann and Adoniram Judson sailed from Salem aboard the big Caravan as two of the first missionaries to go out from North America. Watching the shoreline disappear from view, they could not have foreseen the impact of their journey on the future of the Christian world mission or on the thousands of men and women who would follow in their footsteps. After a short stay in India, they carried the Good News of Jesus Christ to the golden shore of Burma.

      Drawing on letters and church records, Courtney Anderson paints a poignant portrait of Judson’s early life in dealing with the conflict between his desire for material success and the inner call to serve God. For Adoniram Judson the golden shore brought bitter hard-ships, imprisonment, and family tragedy. Yet, he never wavered in his commitment to win people to faith in Christ and to translate the Bible into the Burmese language.
      This special edition recognizes the 175th anniversary of the Judsons’ sailing on their historic voyage and celebrates the early years of Baptist missions overseas. Photographs and reproductions of Burmese woodcuts are used in telling Judson’s story,

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    • Tramp For The Lord

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.99.

      In 1940, Corrie ten Boom was living with her father and sister above their watch shop in Haarlem, Holland-and when their country was invaded, this devoutly Christian family provided sanctuary for persecuted Jews. Before long, the Nazis captured Corrie and her family. They were sent to a concentration camp, where Corrie lost both her sister and father. But remarkably, throughout this turbulent time, Corrie sustained the faith in God that helped her become one of the most beloved evangelists of her time.

      Tramp for the Lord continues Corrie ten Boom’s extraordinary journey of hope following the events recounted in her bestseller The Hiding Place. From her near-destitute days in postwar New York to heart-stopping adventures in Africa, Corrie’s inspirational life story proves that miracles do happen.

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