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    Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

    “It is generally recognized that spirituality is at low ebb in Christendom and not a few perceive that sound doctrine is rapidly on the wane, yet many of the Lord’s people take comfort from supposing that the Gospel is still being widely preached and that large numbers are being saved thereby. Alas, their optimistic supposition is ill-founded and sandy grounded. If the “message” now being delivered in Mission Halls be examined, if the “tracts” which are scattered among the unchurched masses be scrutinized, if the “open-air” speakers be carefully listened to, if the “sermons” or “addresses” of a “Soul-winning campaign” be analyzed; in short, if modern “Evangelism” be weighed in the balances of Holy Writ, it will be found wanting-lacking that which is vital to a genuine conversion, lacking what is essential if sinners are to be shown their need of a Savior, lacking that which will produce the transfigured lives of new creatures in Christ Jesus.” Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society (an occult gnostic group popular in England during that time), and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father’s patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, ‘there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,’ which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.

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    Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.99.

    Increasing economic and cultural instability is leading North Americans to wonder more and more about existence beyond death. Many sources–some trustworthy, some not–are offering opinion, conjecture, and comforting words.

    Noted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes, bestselling author of Angels Among Us, goes to the Scriptures, God’s gift to help us live on earth in a way that prepares us for heaven. He tackles the important questions:

    • What is the moment-of-death transition actually like?
    • In what state will believers exist? Will they know loved ones?
    • What will God’s people do in eternity? What will it be like to live with God forever?

    The Wonder of Heaven punctures the notion of a harp-strumming, do-nothing eternity. After glimpsing their home with God–and with people as God meant them to be–Christians will be filled with an anticipation that makes their lives brighter, stronger, and more effective today.

    Includes some material from the book Heaven: The Undiscovered Country.

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    Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $27.00.

    This book in honor of Dr. Charles Ryrie was written by scholars who hold to the same basic view of Dispensationalism for which he is noted. In their chapters they address subjects related directly or indirectly to that system of theology. They exhibit a confirmed commitment to the authority, power, sufficiency, original languages, and correct interpretation of the Scripture. Their work reflects careful exegesis of pertinent Biblical passages and significant interaction with writings of scholars who disagree with the Dispensational view of the Bible. Readers will be introduced to subjects not normally addressed by Dispensational authors…..

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    Original price was: $22.49.Current price is: $20.62.

    “Considered Edwards’ finest work, the treatise is a monument of American philosophy,” noted Christian History magazine (Vol. 4, No. 4, p.19). They continue, “In this treatise Edwards painstakingly shows that man is indeed free… but that God is still sovereign and still solely responsible for man’s salvation. Edwards tries to show that a sinner and humans, in the Calvinist tradition, come into the world under the curse of Adam would never by himself choose to glorify God unless God himself changed that person’s character. Regeneration, God’s act, is the basis for repentance and conversion, the human actions.” A detailed, careful, and strongly Calvinistic look at this important question. Edwards (1703-1758) is by far the best known American theologian. After graduating from and teaching at Yale University, he began a very fruitful ministry at Northampton, MA. The church was the scene of the explosive revival of 1734, 35, and burned fiercely for God under Edwards for several years. Edwards then went to pastor the lowly Indians. But at last he was called to be the first president of Princeton University, where he served only 5 weeks, dying of smallpox.

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    Who is regulating affairs on this earth today-God, or the Devil? That God reigns supreme in Heaven, is generally conceded; that He does so over this world, is almost universally denied-if not directly, then indirectly. More and more are men in their philosophizing and theorizing, relegating God to the background. Take the material realm. Not only is it denied that God created everything, by personal and direct action, but few believe that He has any immediate concern in regulating the works of His own hands. Everything is supposed to be ordered according to the (impersonal and abstract) “laws of Nature.” Thus is the Creator banished from His own creation. Therefore we need not be surprised that men, in their degrading conceptions, exclude Him from the realm of human affairs.

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    Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $13.00.

    Pink answers a host of questions that have remained unresolved in the minds of many Christians. In language that any layperson can understand, he takes up the profoundest questions, searches the Scriptures, and provides Biblical answers that satisfy the inquiring mind.

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    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $29.00.

    The events of the twentieth century have led to a rebirth of Protestant theology. This book is intended to help the layperson discover what is going on in theology. In clear, nontechnical language, it traces the rise of orthodoxy since the sixteenth century, and proceeds to examine schools such as fundamentalism, liberalism, and neo-orthodoxy. Because of their great influence and importance, the theologies of Karl Barth, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Paul Tillich are treated separately, and this revised and expanded edition contains new chapters on Rudolf Bultmann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the God is Dead” controversy.

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    Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.99.

    Focuses on moments in Jesus’ life when his glory burst forth and was displayed to those around him, when his humiliation gave way to exaltation.

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  • The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $16.99.

    Textual and “higher” criticism have decimated the faith of many and made divinity schools message-less. This is an analysis of questions asked by textual and higher criticism with the purpose of vindicating the viewpoint of an infallible Bible.

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  • God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment

    Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $29.98.

    In Exodus 34 Moses asks to see God’s glory, and God reveals himself as a God who is merciful and just. James Hamilton Jr. contends that from this passage comes a biblical theology that unites the meta-narrative of Scripture under one central theme: God’s glory in salvation through judgment.

    Hamilton begins in the Old Testament by showing that Israel was saved through God’s judgment on the Egyptians and the Caananites. God was glorified through both his judgment and mercy, accorded in salvation to Israel. The New Testament unfolds the ultimate display of God’s glory in justice and mercy, as it was God’s righteous judgment shown on the cross that brought us salvation. God’s glory in salvation through judgment will be shown at the end of time, when Christ returns to judge his enemies and save all who have called on his name.

    Hamilton moves through the Bible book by book, showing that there is one theological center to the whole Bible. The volume’s systematic method and scope make it a unique resource for pastors, professors, and students.

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  • In Defense of the Bible


    In Defense of the Bible gathers exceptional articles by accomplished scholars (Paul Copan, William A. Dembski, Mary Jo Sharp, Darrell L. Bock, etc.), addressing and responding to all of the major contemporary challenges to the divine inspiration and authority of Scripture.

    The book begins by looking at philosophical and methodological challenges to the Bible—questions about whether or not it is logically possible for God to communicate verbally with human beings; what it means to say the Bible is true in response to postmodern concerns about the nature of truth; defending the clarity of Scripture against historical skepticism and relativism.

    Contributors also explore textual and historical challenges—charges made by Muslims, Mormons, and skeptics that the Bible has been corrupted beyond repair; questions about the authorship of certain biblical books; allegations that the Bible borrows from pagan myths; the historical reliability of the Old and New Testaments.

    Final chapters take on ethical, scientific, and theological challenges— demonstrating the Bible’s moral integrity regarding the topics of slavery and sexism; harmonizing exegetical and theological conclusions with the findings of science; addressing accusations that the Christian canon is the result of political and theological manipulation; ultimately defending the Bible as not simply historically reliable and consistent, but in fact the Word of God.

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  • Scripture Cannot Be Broken

    Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $18.90.

    14 Classic Essays in Defense of Inerrancy

    Biblical inerrancy is under attack. Now more than ever, the church needs to carefully consider what it stands to lose should this crucial doctrine be surrendered.

    Under the editorial oversight of John MacArthur, this anthology of essays in defense of inerrancy features contributions from a host of respected twentieth century evangelical leaders:

    • Paul D. Feinberg
    • John M. Frame
    • R. Laird Harris
    • Gordon R. Lewis
    • Harold Lindsell
    • John Murray
    • Roger R. Nicole
    • René Pache
    • J. I. Packer
    • J. Barton Payne
    • Robert Preus
    • Alan M. Stibbs
    • B. B. Warfield
    • Edward J. Young

    The Scripture Cannot Be Broken stands as a clarion call to all who love the Bible and want to see Christ’s church thrive in our increasingly secular world. It is a call to stand alongside our spiritual forefathers with wisdom, clarity, and courage―resolute in our confidence that Scripture is the very Word of God.

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  • Faith Alone The Doctrine of Justification

    Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $14.99.

    Historians and theologians have long recognized that at the heart of the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation were five declarations, often referred to as the ‘solas’: sola scriptura, solus Christus, sola gratia, sola fide, and soli Deo gloria. These five statements summarize much of what the Reformation was about, and they distinguish Protestantism from other expressions of the Christian faith. Protestants place ultimate and final authority in the Scriptures, acknowledge the work of Christ alone as sufficient for redemption, recognize that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, and seek to do all things for God’s glory.

    In Faith Alone—The Doctrine of Justification renowned biblical scholar Thomas Schreiner looks at the historical and biblical roots of the doctrine of justification. He summarizes the history of the doctrine, looking at the early church and the writings of several of the Reformers. Then, he turns his attention to the Scriptures and walks readers through an examination of the key texts in the Old and New Testament. He discusses whether justification is transformative or forensic and introduces readers to some of the contemporary challenges to the Reformation teaching of sola fide, with particular attention to the new perspective on Paul.

    Five hundred years after the Reformation, the doctrine of justification by faith alone still needs to be understood and proclaimed. In Faith Alone you will learn how the rallying cry of “sola fide” is rooted in the Scriptures and how to apply this sola in a fresh way in light of many contemporary challenges.

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  • Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy

    Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $14.99.

    The inerrancy of the Bible–the belief that the Bible is without error–is often a contentious topic among mainstream Christianity.

    Like other titles in the Counterpoints collection, this volume gives those interested in theology the tools they need to draw informed conclusions on debated issues by showcasing the range of positions in a way that helps readers understand the perspectives–especially where and why they diverge.

    Each essay in Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy considers:

    • The present context, viability, and relevance for the contemporary evangelical Christian witness.
    • Whether and to what extent Scripture teaches its own inerrancy.
    • The position’s assumed or implied understandings of the nature of Scripture, God, and truth.
    • Three difficult biblical texts: one that concerns intra-canonical contradictions, one that raises questions of theological plurality, and one that concerns historical authenticity.

    Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy serves not only as a single-volume resource for surveying the current debate, but also as a catalyst both for understanding and advancing the conversation further. Contributors include Al Mohler, Kevin Vanhoozer, Michael Bird, Peter Enns, and John Franke.

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  • The Sinfulness of Sin

    Original price was: $11.00.Current price is: $9.00.

    We cannot understand the Christian gospel until we know what sin is. Yet modern secular counsellors urge us to ignore both the word and what it tells us about our rebellion against God and his law. Sadly, the church too often serves as an echo chamber for such cheap and short-sighted wisdom. It’s literature spreads the deceptive message that all is well. But it is only when we begin to see our sinfulness that we are able to discover God’s forgiveness. Although The Sinfulness of Sin was written three hundred years ago, it remains an oasis of truth in a desert of lies. First published in the aftermath of the Great Plague of London and entitled Sin, The Plague of Plagues, this book gives a crystal-clear explanation of what sin is, why it is so serious, and what we need to do about it. Here is reliable medicine for a fatal epidemic.

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