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    Robert Yarbrough

    • Colossians And Philemon

      Original price was: $54.99.Current price is: $27.50.

      In this addition to the award-winning BECNT series, leading New Testament scholar and bestselling author G. K. Beale offers a substantive evangelical commentary on Colossians and Philemon. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, Beale leads readers through all aspects of Colossians and Philemon–sociological, historical, and theological–to help them better understand the meaning and relevance of these biblical books.

      As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features the author’s detailed interaction with the Greek text and an acclaimed, user-friendly design. It admirably achieves the dual aims of the series–academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility–making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.

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    • Letters To Timothy And Titus

      Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $39.54.

      The Pastoral Letters-1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus-have made an enduring contribution to understanding the role of pastors in the church. With a spirited devotion to the text, Robert Yarbrough helps unlock the meaning of these short but rich letters in this commentary.

      In keeping with the character of Pillar New Testament Commentary volumes, The Letters to Timothy and Titus offers a straightforward reading of these texts. Their primary concerns-God, salvation, and the pastoral task-remain central to Yarbrough’s thorough and comprehensive exegesis. Engaging with the best scholarship and resources, Yarbrough shows how these letters are as relevant today as they were to the early Christians.

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    • 2 Corinthians

      Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $40.99.

      In this addition to the award-winning BECNT series, a respected New Testament scholar offers a substantive evangelical commentary on 2 Corinthians. George Guthrie leads readers through the intricacies of literary structure, word meanings, cultural backdrop, and theological proclamation, offering insights applicable to modern ministry contexts. As with all BECNT volumes, this commentary features the author’s detailed interaction with the Greek text, extensive research, thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, and an acclaimed, user-friendly design. It admirably achieves the dual aims of the series–academic sophistication with pastoral sensitivity and accessibility–making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers.

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    • 1-3 John (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $42.77.Current price is: $37.39.

      This substantive commentary on the letters of John will help pastors, students, and teachers better understand and explain these New Testament books.

      This book offers a historical and theological commentary on the Johannine Epistles. It features the author’s detailed interaction with the Greek text, explores the relationship between John’s Epistles and Jesus’s work and teaching, interacts with recent commentaries, is attentive to the history of interpretation, and seeks to relate these findings to global Christianity.

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    • Matthew (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $57.32.Current price is: $38.99.

      This new addition to the BECNT series offers a substantive yet accessible commentary that will help students, teachers, and pastors better understand the Gospel of Matthew.

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    • 1 Peter (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $32.50.

      In this newest addition to the acclaimed BECNT series, respected New Testament scholar Karen H. Jobes provides a fresh commentary on 1 Peter.

      1 Peter admirably achieves the dual aims of the BECNT series–it is academically sophisticated as well as pastorally sensitive and accessible. This volume features Jobes’s own translation of the Greek text and detailed interaction with the meaning of the text, emphasizing the need to read 1 Peter in light of its cultural background.

      Jobes’s commentary will help pastors, students, and teachers better understand the Christian’s role as a foreigner in contemporary society.

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    • Philippians (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $21.00.

      With its user-friendly design, this commentary by Moisis Silva provides a substantive yet accessible discussion of Philippians to help pastors, students, and teachers understand and explain this letter. Each passage is presented in three parts: Silva’s own translation of the Greek text; exegesis and exposition of each unit of thought; and additional notes on textual matters. Throughout the commentary, Silva asks what is distinctive about this letter and shows how each passage contributes to Paul’s overall argument. The second edition has been updated to interact with important recent scholarship on Philippians and to fit the acclaimed BECNT design.

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    • 1 Corinthians (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $45.00.

      A substantive commentary on I Corinthians that will help pastors, students, and teachers understand and explain this major New Testament letter.

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    • Revelation (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $57.35.Current price is: $38.99.

      A well-respected New Testament scholar provides a substantive yet accessible commentary on this difficult and intriguing book of the Bible.

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    • Luke Vol 2 (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $47.99.

      Analysis of the journey to Jerusalem through the resurrection. Includes an excursus on the Last Supper and indexes to both volumes.

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    • Luke Vol 1 (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $69.99.Current price is: $53.99.

      A fresh translation, exposition, and close exegesis, with background notes and interpretive strategies to deal with problem texts. Introductory notes and excurses.

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