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    Single Living

    • Single And Lonely

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      Are you a single adult who sometimes feels isolated, vulnerable, and alone? Like everyone else you want to be known and understood; you don’t want to feel invisible. You want to be included and cared about. You don’t want to be lonely; you want to be connected to someone.

      So how do you find the intimacy and relationship you desire? Jayne V. Clark, an experienced counselor, explains that the remedy for loneliness isn’t a change in your circumstances; it’s a relationship with a person-Jesus Christ. As your relationship with him deepens, you will be able to use the practical strategies outlined here to move toward people in genuine love.

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    • Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $12.59.

      The Bible is very clear on the high value of women – as wives and mothers of Christian families, but also as individual members of the body of Christ. Despite this, unmarried women often feel that somehow God has forgotten about them or passed over their prayers for a husband. Their trust in Him grows shaky as they begin to question His plan for their lives.

      Using biblical examples of the single woman’s role, Carolyn McCulley encourages readers to recognize that their singleness is not a burden, but a gift from God that allows them to perform a unique role in the church. Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? focuses on building a relationship with Christ as the most important goal for single women.

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