


    Bible Dictionaries

    • Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary

      Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $21.94.

      For 25 years the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary has been the go-to Bible reference resource for lay Bible students, teachers, pastors, academic courses, and libraries. Those who have used it have praised its comprehensiveness, conciseness, and clarity. Over 6,500 articles from Aaron to Zuzite are written so as to equip the reader for greater competence in understanding and interpreting the Scriptures. Each article is structured to begin with a concise definition followed by a thorough development of the topic. Some 700 full-color photos, maps, reconstructions, and charts enrich the experience of those who use the Dictionary for personal study, academic work, and preparation for teaching and preaching the Bible.

      Contemporary Bible readers are separated from the original documents by 2,000 to 3,500 years. Bridging this chasm requires linguistic, literary, geographical, historical, and cultural information that the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides. This third edition of the Dictionary makes available up-to-date archaeological information that illuminates the biblical text.

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    • Mounces Complete Expository Dictionary

      Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $26.99.

      Modern scholarship makes this the Vine’sfor the twenty-first century For years, Vine’s Expository Dictionaryhas been the standard word study tool for pastors and laypeople, selling millions of copies. But sixty-plus years of scholarship have shed extensive new light on the use of biblical Greek and Hebrew, creating the need for a new, more accurate, more thorough dictionary of Bible words. William Mounce, whose Greek grammar has been used by more than 100,000 college and seminary students, is the editor of this new dictionary, which will become the layperson’s gold standard for biblical word studies. Mounce’sis ideal for the reader with limited or no knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, but who wants greater insight into the meaning of biblical words to enhance Bible study. It is also the perfect reference for busy pastors needing to quickly get at the heart of a word’s meaning without wading through more technical studies. What makes Mounce’ssuperior to Vine’s?

      * The most accurate, in-depth definitions based on the best of modern evangelical scholarship * Both Greek and Hebrew words are found under each English entry ( Vine’sseparates them) * Employs both Strong’s and G/K numbering systems * Mounce’saccuracy is endorsed by leading scholars

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    • New International Dictionary Of New Testament Theology (Abridged)

      Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $28.49.

      This abridgment of Colin Brown’s original fourvolume work is arranged with its entries in Greek alphabet order, which makes it easy to find the discussion of a particular word. All Greek words are transliterated into English and linked with their GoodrickKohlenberger numbers. This book was formerly titled The NIV Theological Dictionary of New Testament Words. Now it has been reset in double columns and wider margins. EDITOR: Dr. Verlyn Verbrugge

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    • New Bible Dictionary 3rd Edition (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $70.00.Current price is: $38.99.

      The New Bible Dictionary is a reference work ideally suited for people of all ages and backgrounds. This magnificent and comprehensive Bible dictionary has set the standard for evangelical Bible dictionaries for five decades. Now in its third, updated edition, it is clear leader in it field.

      The third edition of the New Bible Dictionary will increase the reader’s knowledge and understanding of God’s Word as no other single book can do. It is an invaluable reference book for school and colleges, for theological and Bible college students, ministers and laypeople, teachers and professional scholars – everyone who wants to understand and know the Bible better.

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    • Pocket Dictionary Of Theological Terms

      Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $7.20.

      Beginning to study theology is like stepping into a conversation that has been going on for two thousand years.

      How do you take part in this conversation–or even make sense of it–if you don’t understand the vocabulary or know the contributions made by other participants?

      The Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms is the perfect companion to your theological studies. Among its three hundred-plus definitions are:
      * English terms, from accomodation to wrath of God
      * foreign terms, from a posteriori to via media
      * theological movements and traditions, from the Alexandrian School to Wesleyanism
      * theologians, from Anselm of Canterbury to Ulrich Zwingli

      Here is an affordable and easily accessible resource for your theological readings, lectures and writing assignments. It’s a must-have for every beginning theological student!

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