


    Family Concerns

    • Your Childs Profession Of Faith (Revised)

      Original price was: $9.75.Current price is: $5.36.

      In a new, updated edition for 2011. New additional chapters and helps for parents and pastors.

      Gundersen’s unique treatment of this rarely-addressed subject can make the difference between parents who participate in their children’s deception and presumption, or parents who truly guide him to eternal life. If a small child tells us he thinks he’s saved, do we take his words at face value? How do we test his profession, especially without seeming to doubt the child and discourage him? Many have found this book the most useful guide ever written on the topic.

      A Christian parent would sooner die than make a mistake with the soul of his or her child. And yet so often it’s hard to distinguish the stirrings of the Spirit in the soul of a child from their natural curiosity about the things of God that they hear about at church and home. In other words, just because a child starts asking questions about God and the Bible doesn’t necessarily indicate he is close to salvation, but may merely reflect the normal thoughtfulness of a growing child about what he’s learning at church and home. Still, we always want to encourage and nurture any such godward interest as much as possible. Dennis Gundersen’s book can help parents point a child to Christ, and guide them in walking along a biblical path that avoids manipulation and false assurance on the one hand, and presumption and neglect on the other.
      — Donald S. Whitney, Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

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    • Long Story Short

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      Transform Your Family with Ten Minutes a Day in the Gospel Story Christian parents know the importance of passing the gospel story on to their children, yet we live in a busy world filled with distractions. Schedules collide, there is homework and yard work and dishes and laundry, the car s oil should be changed, there are phone calls to make…and before you know it, everyone is getting to bed late again. The Bible can seem like a long story for an active family to read, but when you break it down into short sections, as Marty Machowski does, family devotions are easy to do. Long Story Short will help busy parents share with their children how every story in the Old Testament points forward to God s story of salvation through Jesus Christ. You won t find a more important focus for a family devotional than a daily highlighting of the gospel of grace. Clever stories and good moral lessons may entertain and even help children, but the gospel will transform children. The gospel is deep enough to keep the oldest and wisest parents learning and growing all their lives, yet simple enough to transform the heart of the first grader who has just begun to read. Ten minutes a day, five days a week is enough time to pass on the most valuable treasure the world has ever known. Long Story Short is a family devotional program designed to explain God s plan of salvation through the Old Testament and is suitable for children from preschool through high school.

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    • Faithful Parent : A Biblical Guide To Raising A Family

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $11.45.

      Foreword By Tedd Tripp
      Part One: The Biblical Basis
      1. Goal Of Parenting And One’s Hope
      2. Salvation And Sanctification Of The Child
      Part Two: The Everyday Life
      3. The Infant
      4. The Toddler
      5. The Preschooler
      6. The School-age Child
      7. The Teenager
      8. Parents Who Provoke
      Part Three: The Persevering Parent
      9. Special Cases
      10. When Things Don’t Go As Planned
      11. Conclusion
      Appendix A: Presenting The Gospel In It’s Context: Faithfully Sowing The Seed According To The Scriptures
      Appendix B: Put Off / Put On Dynamic
      Appendix C: The Making Of A Man Of God
      Appendix D: Taking Thoughts Captive

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      This book is a compelling read – it gives practical advice and biblical hope to parents of children of all ages. Most parenting books outright, or indirectly, promise a good outcome if you only follow their suggestions. The Faithful Parent gives many practical, biblically-based suggestions but promises that the most important relationship in any family is vertical – between parents and God. it is the Christian parent in being faithful that glorifies God. It is the faithful parent who has the biggest impact on their children.

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    • Big Truths For Young Hearts

      Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $14.39.

      Equips parents to guide their young children through all major doctrines in an understandable, chapter-a-day format. Sure, it’s easy to teach your children the essentials of Christian theology when you’re a theology professor. But what about the rest of us? With Big Truths for Little Hearts, Bruce Ware, (you guessed it!) a theology professor, encourages and enables parents of children 6-14 years of age to teach through the whole of systematic theology at a level their children can understand. Parents can teach their children the great truths of the faith and shape their worldviews early, based on these truths. The book covers ten topics of systematic theology, devoting several brief chapters to each subject, making it possible for parents to read one chapter per day with their children. With this non-intimidating format, parents will be emboldened to be their children’s primary faith trainers-and perhaps learn a few things themselves along the way.

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    • Dont Make Me Count To Three

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $11.99.

      Don’t Make Me Count To Three is a practical book full of truth applied to everyday life. Ginger Plowman shares personal stories from her own family to give a concrete picture of how these shepherding issues might look, and helps moms apply ideas from Shepherding a Child’s Heart to the ordinary moments of life. This book will encourage moms as they work through the details of rearing children in their own family lives.

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    • Peacemaking For Families

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $7.99.

      1. Families That Fight
      2. The Peacemaking Marriage
      3. Family Conflict
      4. Getting Help

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      Basic conflict-resolution skills found in Scripture can help you change your home from a battle zone to a love nest. Distinguishing between positive and negative conflict resolution, Peacemaking for Families introduces the reader to valuable principles such as The Peacemaker’s Pledge, the Seven A’s of Forgiveness, and the PAUSE Principle of Negotiation. Real-life stories and case studies help the reader to acquire the skills needed to create a true peacemaking family.

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    • Age Of Opportunity (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $9.99.

      Are you hoping to merely survive your teenagers? With compassion, wit, and wisdom, Tripp uncovers the heart issues affecting families during the often-chaotic adolescent years. Gain assurance of God’s provision for parenting success and discover ways to seize the countless opportunities to deepen communication, learn, and grow with your teens. Study guide included.

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    • Wise Words For Mom

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.49.

      This chart was designed for the purpose of aiding you in using the Scriptures to drive out the foolishness bound up in the heart of (your) child (Proverb 22:15). It does not contain everything you need to know about the sinful behavior that you may come up against. Therefore, it should be used as a tool-not a substitute-for your personal research of the Bible when it comes to teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training your children in righteousness.

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    • Teach Them Diligently

      Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $12.99.

      1. The Scriptures And Your Children
      2. Teaching The Scriptures
      3. Convicting With The Scriptures
      4. Correcting With The Scriptures
      5. Training With The Scriptures
      6. The Rod And Reproof
      7. Learning To Use Life’s Instruction Manual
      157 Pages

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      The bookshelves in your home no doubt contain volumes of books, manuals, seminar notes, magazine articles, and video and audio cassettes purporting to address parenting from a Christian point of view. With rare exception, however, most of today’s Christian parenting resources fail to emphasize what is perhaps the most important aspect of true biblical parenting-how to relate the Bible to the disciplinary process in practical ways. Think about it. With all of your training, do you really know how to use the Bible for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness with your children? If you do, read no further. If you don’t this little book will augment and strengthen your parenting skills as you learn how to use the Scriptures more thoroughly and effectively in your child training.

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    • What The Bible Says About Parenting

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $9.59.

      More than ever, Christians need to know what the Bible actually teaches about parenting, and put it into practice. In What the Bible Says About Parenting, pastor/teacher John MacArthure presents time-proven principles of biblical parenting clearly and carefully to help parents make sense of their duties before God and to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord. In addition to this new trade paper edition (previously titled Successful Christian Parenting), there is also a resource kit and two workbooks available to help Christian parents instruct their children in a godly manner.

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    • Shepherding A Childs Heart (Anniversary)

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $10.40.

      Many parenting books are based on hit-or-miss theories steeped in secular thinking. This one draws from Pastor Tripp’s seasoned experience as a father-and from God’s Holy Word. Grounded in the Bible’s divine plan for parenting, this guide defines your goals as a parent and provides the Scriptural methods for accomplishing them.

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    • Childs Book Of Character Building 1 (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $17.99.

      Using an imaginative blend of simple explanation and interesting storytelling, volume one teaches children ages 3_7 about Christian character building.

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    • Your Family Gods Way

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $7.99.

      Offers biblical insight and practical wisdom into two crucial areas of family life: communication and conflict resolution. Practical guidance for the Christian family.

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    • Christian Living In The Home

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $10.79.

      This best-selling title will challenge, encourage, and aid the reader in the development of a truly Christian home.


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