



    • Single And Lonely

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      Are you a single adult who sometimes feels isolated, vulnerable, and alone? Like everyone else you want to be known and understood; you don’t want to feel invisible. You want to be included and cared about. You don’t want to be lonely; you want to be connected to someone.

      So how do you find the intimacy and relationship you desire? Jayne V. Clark, an experienced counselor, explains that the remedy for loneliness isn’t a change in your circumstances; it’s a relationship with a person-Jesus Christ. As your relationship with him deepens, you will be able to use the practical strategies outlined here to move toward people in genuine love.

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    • Sex Before Marriage

      Original price was: $6.25.Current price is: $5.99.

      If we’re in love, what’s wrong with having sex before marriage? And even if we’re not-isn’t everyone else doing it? Why should we be the only ones who wait?

      Have you ever thought or said things like this? If your answer is yes, you have a lot of company-most people in our world agree with you that, at least in some circumstances, premarital sex is okay. But do you know what God says about this issue?

      Timothy S. Lane clearly explains God’s perspective on your sexuality and how it should be expressed. Many people think God says in the Bible that sex is inherently bad and sinful, but nothing could be further from the truth. God is not a killjoy-his guidelines for your sexuality are for your help and protection. This booklet’s forthright and honest look at sexuality, including a discussion of How far is too far? will be an invaluable resource for young adults and those who minister to them.

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    • Who Should I Date

      Original price was: $6.25.Current price is: $4.99.

      Who should you date? You might be drawn to someone who is fun, good-looking, and interested in the same things you are, but even more important than what’s on the surface is what someone is like inside. But how can you find that out? What should you look for?

      William P. Smith gives detailed, practical ways to assess both you and your friend’s relationship readiness. Filling out the quiz in this booklet will give you a better idea of the areas where both of you need to grow. Read this with your friend. It will lead to great conversations about the most important things in life-your faith and how you express that faith in your relationships with others.

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    • In Laws : Married With Parents

      Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      How many Christian books about marriage would you say you have purchased and read? How many of them included solid biblical teaching, if any teaching, about the issue of in-law relationships? Over the years I have purchased and read hundreds of books on marriage and family issues. Surprisingly, a perusal of these books indicates that very little has been written on this subject. It’s virtually an untouched area.

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    • Anger Anxiety And Fear

      Original price was: $6.00.Current price is: $4.99.

      Our responsibility as Christians is to depend on God as we work toward becoming more like Jesus every day. Often, there are life-dominating sins that greatly hinder us from becoming more like Him. As the challenges of living in an uncertain world increase, the sins of anger, anxiety and fear come up more frequently in our daily lives. We need to be on guard on guard against these sins and know how to deal with temptation when it comes.

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    • Fear : Breaking Its Grip

      Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $4.99.

      Do you feel paralyzed by fear? Does it keep you from doing what you know is right and being who you want to be? When fear takes over, it seems like a controlling, irresistible force, and often becomes an excuse for not doing what we should.

      Yet there is hope and help in God’s Word for conquering fear before it conquers you.

      In this booklet, Lou Priolo solves a problem that, for the chronically fearful, seems to have no solution. Proving that fear is an emotion to be controlled, not a force that controls you, he shows us that the fears that cripple us are caused by our own selfishness.

      He also provides insight into fear by listing ways to determine when your fear has become sinful, and offers guidelines for conquering that fear by drawing our courage from God’s sovereignty and the comfort in his Word.

      The Resources for Biblical Living booklet series addresses a wide range of practical life issues in a straightforward, down-to-earth, and most of all, biblical manner.

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    • Judgments : Rash Or Righteous

      Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      After reviewing when it is and isn’t lawful for believers to make judgments, the booklet identifies eight different forms of rash judgments and then offers nine guidelines for replacing snap judgments with righteous judgments.

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    • Bitterness : The Root That Pollutes

      Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      This booklet identifies and removes any root of bitterness in your heart and helps you to respond biblically to future hurts, rejections and trials of life

      * Provides biblical methods for dealing with bitterness in one’s own life * It’s length makes this booklet easy to read and process in one sitting, and includes worksheets to help readers * Part of the Resources for Biblical Living booklet series

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    • Deception : Letting Go Of Lying

      Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      This book deals with the problem of habitual lying and offers solid biblical solutions to guide the reader towards speaking truth.

      * It’s length makes it easy to read and process in one sitting * Includes counseling worksheets for the reader. * Helps the repentant liar * Part of the Resources for Biblical Living booklet series

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    • Manipulation : Knowing How To Respond

      Original price was: $6.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      This booklet will help you learn how to respond biblically to manipulative people.

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    • Gospels Side By Side Pamphlet

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      The Bible gives us four biographers for Jesus’ life: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. See Jesus from four different points of view and learn how their views of him unite and flesh out an awesome portrait of God. Consult this concise chart to find out: * Why there are four Gospels instead of just one * Why three Gospels are similar, but the fourth is very different * How the Gospels complement-not contradict-each other * Why most of Christ’s story focuses on his last week; and more. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.

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    • Angry Children : Understanding And Helping Your Child Regain Control

      Original price was: $6.25.Current price is: $4.99.

      If you have an angry child you are most likely worn out, confused, and looking for answers to questions like these:
      How can I restore sanity to this chaos?
      How can I prevent these anger storms in my child?
      Why does this rage seem to explode from out of nowhere?

      Dr. Michael R. Emlet offers you needed help by explaining both the deeper heart issues and possible physical weaknesses that can fuel a child’s angry explosions. Then, using his experience as a doctor, counselor, and parent, he applies the truths of the Bible to your child’s struggles with anger and outlines practical strategies for helping your child learn self-control.

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    • Divorce Recovery : Growing And Healing Gods Way

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      The pain of divorce has many different faces: the end of your hopes and dreams for your marriage; a life full of unwanted changes; and the daily struggle with a mixture of grief, fear, guilt, and anger. Is recovery possible?

      Winston T. Smith, using biblical principles, guides you through the unsettling changes you and your children are facing and gives you specific directions for facing each day. You will discover that God is with you, right in the middle of this painful situation. God delights in restoring what is broken. He will heal your wounds and grow you in new and surprising ways through this hard time.

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    • Living With An Angry Spouse

      Original price was: $6.25.Current price is: $4.99.

      You married someone you trusted, and now you are facing unpredictable anger or outright physical abuse. This is betrayal at its worst. Most likely you are numb, scared, confused, and paralyzed. How do you take a step when you are so afraid?

      Edward T. Welch shares how hope and change come from knowing the God who hears you and promises to deliver you. He has the power to fill you with his love-a love that is patient, kind, and says no to injustice. As you are guided by God’s love, you will have the courage to take the practical steps outlined in this booklet.

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    • Help For Stepfamilies

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      How do you blend two separate families into one household? Family traditions, values, interests, and parenting styles are often so far apart that simple questions like, Who takes out the trash? or Where shall we go for Christmas? can quickly become flashpoints of conflict.

      Winston T. Smith provides a road map to the unique challenges that each member of a stepfamily faces. Drawing on his experience as a marriage and family counselor, Winston Smith shows how understanding each other’s struggles, honest sharing, and sacrificial love can transform and unify your stepfamily. As you learn to practically apply these biblical principles, you will find that there are also unique blessings to be found in your new, blended family.

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