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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • God Who Hears

      Original price was: $30.99.Current price is: $25.75.

      THE GOD WHO HEARS was written with the aim that through understanding prayer we will draw nearer to God. Hunter stresses that God responds to who we are: our thoughts, feelings and actions. He deals with the persistent questions many people have: Is God listening? Are prayers always answered? and more in a straightforward, insightful manner.

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    • What About Cremation

      Original price was: $8.95.Current price is: $7.95.

      This book examines the nature, history and contemporary utilization of cremation against the background of the Bible in order to form guidelines for Christian thought and practice. The book is very readable and balanced in it’s analysis.

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    • Essential Truths Of The Christian Faith

      Original price was: $18.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      102 Chapters

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      For those who yearn for a deeper walk in faith, their journey can begin here. Dr. Sproul takes theology down off the dusty shelves of theological libraries and expounds in clear and simple, terms over one hundred major Christian doctrines. He offers readers a basic understanding of the Christian faith that will kindle a lifelong love for truth, which is foundational to maturity in Christ. Here are theologically sound explanations of the biblical concepts every Christian should know, written in a way we can all understand.

      Sproul’s homespun analogies and illustrations from contemporary life make this book interesting, informative, and easy to read. Take the next step!

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    • Not The Way Its Supposed To Be

      Original price was: $22.00.Current price is: $12.54.

      Sin. Christians used to hate it, fear it, flee from it, grieve over it . . . but not anymore. In his bestseller, Plantinga gives you a fresh look at the ancient doctrine of sin to help you better recognize and deal with it. Discover how sin corrupts what is good, the relationship to folly and addiction—and the beauty of God’s grace.

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    • Word Became Flesh

      Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $54.00.

      THE WORD BECAME FLESH by Millard Erickson The church first answered conflicts over the deity and humanity of Christ at the Council of Chalcedon in 451. But Millard Erickson finds Chalcedon’s definition too narrow and negative a response to the Christs of liberation, feminism, blackness, functionalism, universalism, and postmodern theologies, among others. There must be a new Chalcedon – a doctrine that confesses what Jesus is not, but also affirms all that He is. The Word Became Flesh returns the theological discussion to what Christ said about himself and what Scripture deems important to stress.

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    • Thy Kingdom Come

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $16.29.

      25 Chapters
      360 Pages

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      Noted Bible teacher J. Dwight Pentecost traces the sweeping history of the kingdom program from eternity past to eternity future, relating it to the development of the covenant promises. Some of the key issues discussed in the book include:

      How do interpretations of the kingdom of God differ?
      How can we distinguish the various covenants of the Old Testament?
      How does the church relate to the covenants made with Israel?
      What will the future kingdom be like?

      While Dr. Pentecost’s study of the kingdom represents thirty years of scholarly research and teaching, his style can be readily appreciated by the general Christian reader. Thoroughly indexed by Scripture reference and subject, Thy Kingdom Come is a welcome resource for anyone seeking a more complete understanding of God’s kingdom program.

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    • Hell On Trial

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.35.

      264 Pages

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      Is the concept of hell outdated? No, says Peterson, who offers you a penetrating look at both the bad news—and the Good News—in this compelling case for eternal punishment. Examining the competing views such as agnosticism and universalism, he helps you evaluate these current denials and modifications in light of solid biblical evidence.

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    • Created In Gods Image (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $17.99.

      This second book in a series of doctrinal studies concerns itself with theological anthropology, or the Christian doctrine of man. Anthony A. Hoekema attempts to set forth what the Bible teaches about the nature and destiny of human beings. He has based his study on a close examination of the relevant scriptural material. The theological viewpoint is that of evangelical Christianity from a Reformed or Calvinistic perspective. 264 pages from Eerdmans Publishing Company. The other two books in this compendium of doctrinal studies include: Saved by Grace, and The Bible and the Future.

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    • Is Jesus The Only Savior

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $9.68.

      1. Is Jesus the Only Savior?
      2. The Early Stage of John Hick’s Pluralism
      3. The Second Stage of Hick’s Pluralism
      4. Reason, Truth, and Religious Pluralism
      5. Pluralism and the Christian Understanding of Jesus Christ
      6. Final Thoughts on Hick’s Pluralism
      7. An Introduction to Inclusivism
      8. Inclusivism and Theology
      9. Inclusivism and the Bible
      10. Some Remaining Questions
      11. Why I Am Not an Inclusivist

      192 Pages

      Additional Info
      1. Is Jesus the Only Savior?
      2. The Early Stage of John Hick’s Pluralism
      3. The Second Stage of Hick’s Pluralism
      4. Reason, Truth, and Religious Pluralism
      5. Pluralism and the Christian Understanding of Jesus Christ
      6. Final Thoughts on Hick’s Pluralism
      7. An Introduction to Inclusivism
      8. Inclusivism and Theology
      9. Inclusivism and the Bible
      10. Some Remaining Questions
      11. Why I Am Not an Inclusivist

      192 Pages

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    • Perspectives On Pentecost

      Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $5.99.

      A careful examination of the New Testament teaching on the gifts of the Spirit. Makes a case for the cessation of tongues at the close of the apostolic era.

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    • Dispensationalism Israel And The Church

      Original price was: $27.99.Current price is: $20.50.

      The relationship between Israel and the church is a crucial reference point in theology, especially in distinguishing between dispensational and nondispensational ways of thinking. The thesis of this book is that Israel and the church are distinct theological institutions that have arisen in the historical progress of divine revelation. But they are also related as successive phases of a redemptive program that is historically progressive and eschatologically converging. The approach to these issues here is neither polemical nor apologetic; rather, it anticipates a convergence among evangelical scholars in the recognition of both continuity and discontinuity in the Israel-church relationship. This book has three purposes: – To offer a contemporary dispensational treatment of that relationship through an exegetical examination of key texts with a focus on theological concerns – To foster genuine dialogue with nondispensational thinkers regarding major biblical themes tied to the plan of God – To identify the changes in dispensational thought that have developed since the publication of Charles Ryrie’s book Dispensationalism Today in 1965.

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    • Holy Spirit : Comprehensive Study Of The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $15.79.

      This book on the Holy Spirit is the outgrowth of lectures on the topic given in Dr. Walvoord’s classes at Dallas Theological Seminary. Over the years, this book has aroused considerable interest and gone through 23 printings in hardcover before prompting this new paperback edition. The Holy Spirit is an extensive treatment of the entire doctrine of pneumatology, using some 1500 Scripture citations, and is designed for theological students and pastors as well as for laypeople desiring to get a complete presentation of the third person of the Trinity who indwells all Christians.

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    • Doctrine Of Repentance (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $7.00.

      Knowing what repentance is, and actually repenting, are essential to true Christianity. Few better guides have existed in any area of spiritual experience than Thomas Watson.

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    • Institutes Of Christian Religion (Revised)

      Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $18.59.

      14 Chapters

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      John Calvin’s Institutes has established itself as one of the most important theological works ever written, writes Tony Lane. This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and inexpensive sampler of Calvin’s greatest work.

      Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin’s teaching on all his major themes. Hilary Osborne has put Henry Beveridge’s translation in simpler and more modern English.

      The result is a selection from the Institutes which is manageable for the average modern reader, in terms of length and of intelligibility. Lane reminds us that Calvin designed the Institutes to be a practical book …. He requires of all doctrine that it be scriptural and that it be useful for Christian living.

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    • Confessions

      Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $8.00.

      When Saint Augustine wrote his Confessions he was facing, and responding to, a growing spread of asceticism in the Roman world. His task was twofold: to explain to himself the significance of his conversion to Christianity, and to do so in terms that would convince his readers that this was indeed the one, true faith. In his attempt to achieve these aims, Saint Augustine produced a masterpiece of intellectual biography. The Confessions are written with an emotional intensity that sets him apart from the academic tradition to which he belonged, and it is this intensity, combined with ferociously self-honest analysis, that has given his work its last appeal. Beautifully written and suffused with philosophical and theological learning, the Confessions are an outstanding account of the search for truth by a sinner who became a great saint.

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