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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Has The Church Replaced Israel

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      The relationship between Israel and the church continues to be a controversial topic led by this question: Does the church replace, supersede, or fulfill the nation of Israel in God’s plan, or will Israel be saved and restored with a unique identity and role?

      In Has the Church Replaced Israel?, author Michael J. Vlach evaluates the doctrine of replacement theology (also known as supersessionism) down through history but ultimately argues in favor of the nonsupersessionist position. Thoroughly vetting the most important hermeneutical and theological issues related to the Israel/church relationship, Vlach explains why, there are compelling scriptural reasons in both testaments to believe in a future salvation and restoration of the nation Israel.

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    • Christ In The Old Testament

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $8.99.

      There are many instances in the Old Testament when God appears in human form. Were these occurrences actually manifestations of the second person of the Trinity? Yes, says James Borland in Christ in the Old Testament. Focusing on what he believes to be pre-incarnation appearances of Christ, Borland presents a positive theology of theophanies, examines the Melchizedek question, and shows how Christophanies provided immediate revelation in Old Testament times, preparing the way for the incarnation.

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    • Scandalous : The Cross And Resurrection Of Jesus

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      D. A. Carson, one of today’s most notable Bible scholars, introduces the irony, scandal, and greatness of the work done on the cross. How are Christians to approach the central gospel teachings concerning the death and resurrection of Jesus? The Bible firmly establishes the historicity of these events and doesn’t leave their meanings ambiguous or open to interpretation. Even so, there is an irony and surprising strangeness to the cross. Carson shows that this strange irony has deep implications for our lives as he examines the history and theology of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection. Scandalous is the latest addition to the Re:Lit series, which highlights important theological truths in accessible and applicable ways. Both amateur theologians and general readers will appreciate how Carson deftly preserves weighty theology while simultaneously noting the broader themes of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Through exposition of five primary passages of Scripture, Carson helps us to more fully understand and appreciate the scandal of the cross.

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    • Mystery Of The Holy Spirit

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $10.49.

      Want to know about the Holy Spirit, one of the members of the Trinity? Bible teacher, R. C. Sproul deepens the understanding of the Holy Sprit as he explores the many different roles the Spirit has in our lives. Sproul deals with some of the most perplexing and frequently discussed issues with sensitivity. While the mystery surrounding the Holy Spirit is not dispelled – we are challenged to get to know him better and to look for signs of his work in our life.


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    • Christianity And Liberalism New Edition

      Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $11.95.

      Machen’s classic defense of orthodox Christianity established the importance of scriptural doctrine and contrasts the teachings of liberalism and orthodoxy on God and man, the Bible, Christ, salvation, and the church. Though originally published nearly seventy years ago, the book maintains its relevance today. It was named one of the top 100 books of the millennium by World magazine and one of the top 100 books of the century by Christianity Today.

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    • True For You But Not For Me (Revised)

      Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $15.30.

      Apologetics authority Paul Copan tackles popular sayings that often leave Christians speechless, such as All religions lead to God, Who are you to judge others? or Jesus was just another great religious leader. He provides readers with thoughtful explanations of anti-Christian slogans and brief answers to help them continue their conversations with non-Christians. In addition, Copan answers questions about the unevangelized. Study questions for group or individual use are included.

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    • King James Only Controversy (Revised)

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $16.99.

      Modern Bible translations still come under attack from the King James Only camp. In this revision of a book continually in print for more than ten years, James R. White traces the development of Bible translations old and new, investigating the differences between versions like the NIV, NASB, and NKJV and the Authorized Version of 1611. Written with the layperson in mind, The King James Only Controversy leads the reader through the basic issues of the debate and into the more complex issues of textual criticism. Enlightening reading for all Christians.

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    • Truth War : Fighting For Certainty In An Age Of Deception

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $9.50.

      Best-selling author John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God’s Truth and anchors Christians in God’s eternal Word. Right now, Truth is under attack, and much is at stake. Christians are caught in the crossfire of alternative Christian histories, emerging faulty texts, and a cultural surge to eliminate absolute Truth altogether. As a result, many churches and Christians have been deceived. Worse still, they propagate the deception that poses itself as Truth! In The Truth War, John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God’s Truth and anchors Christians in God’s eternal Word.

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    • Repent And Believe

      Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

      The Puritans believed in the reality of devil and in his deadly antagonism to the souls of men. To keep us in our lost and condemned state he employs two devices against us: he persuades us that repentance is easy and believing in Christ is impossible. Brooks masterfully uncovers Satan’s devices and skilfully prescribes the Bible’s remedies against them.

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    • We Become What We Worship

      Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $25.60.

      The heart of the Biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we become like what we worship. Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation.

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    • When God Goes To Starbucks (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $10.99.

      More than ever, Christians are bombarded with tough faith questions from their pluralistic friends and neighbors. Many of these emerge as anti-truth claims and slogans we are all familiar with:
      *Why not just look out for yourself?
      *Do what you want-just as long as you don’t hurt anyone
      *Miracles violate the laws of nature
      *Aren’t people born gay?

      Paul Copan has been answering questions like these for many years. In When God Goes to Starbucks, he offers readers solid and caring Christian responses to these and many other concerns that are being discussed in Starbucks, shopping malls, youth groups, and schools. Each chapter provides succinct answers and points for countering the cultural questions believers are faced with today.

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    • Heaven : A World Of Love

      Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

      According to Jonathan Edwards, heaven will be a world of holy love, God himself is the source of this love and in heaven he will impart it perfectly to all his people. Edwards unfolds the nature, expression, effects and enjoyment of this best of all the gifts God ever bestows on those who believe.

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    • Father Son And Spirit

      Original price was: $28.00.Current price is: $20.50.

      Series Preface
      Authors’ Preface

      Introduction: John’s Gospel And The Church’s Doctrine Of The Trinity

      Part I: Historical Context
      Part II: Biblical Foundations
      Part III: Theological Reflections


      Index Of Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      From the patristic period until today, John’s Gospel has served as a major source for the church’s knowledge, doctrine and worship of the triune God. Among all New Testament documents the Fourth Gospel provides not only the most raw material for the doctrine of the Trinity, but also the most highly developed patterns of reflection on this material-particularly patterns that seek to account in some way for the distinct personhood and divinity of Father, Son and Spirit without compromising the unity of God.

      While there have been recent, fine studies on aspects of John’s doctrine of God, it is surprising that none summarizes and synthasizes what John has to say about God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In order to fill this gap, Kostenberger and Swain offer a fresh examination of John’s trinitarian vision in this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume.

      Part One situates John’s trinitarian teaching within the context of Second Temple Jewish monotheism. Part Two examines the Gospel narrative in order to trace the characterization of God as Father, Son and Spirit, followed by a brief synthesis. Part Three deals more fully with major trinitarian themes in the Fourth Gospel, including its account of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and mission. A final chapter discusses the significance of John’s Gospel for the church’s doctrine of the Trinity, and a brief conclusion summarizes some practical implications.

      Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.

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    • New Testament Theology (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $45.40.

      Part 1: The Fulfillment Of God’s Saving Promises: The Already-Not Yet
      1. The Kingdom Of God In The Synoptic Gospels
      2. Eternal Life And Eschatology In John’s Theology
      3. Inaugurated Eschatology Outside The Gospels
      Part 2: The God Of The Promise: The Saving Work Of The Father, Son, And Spirit
      4. The Centrality Of God In New Testament Theology
      5. The Centrality Of Christ In The Synoptic Gospels
      6. The Messiah And The Son Of Man In The Gospels
      7. The Son Of God, I Am, And Logos
      8. Jesus’ Saving Work In The Gospels
      9. Jesus’ Saving Work In Acts
      10. The Christology Of Paul
      11. The Saving Work Of God And Christ According To Paul
      12. The Christology Of Hebrews-Revelation
      13. The Holy Spirit
      Part 3: Experiencing The Promise: Believing And Obeying
      14. The Problem Of Sin
      15. Faith And Obedience
      16. The Law And Salvation History
      Part 4: The People Of The Promise And The Future Of The Promise
      17. The People Of The Promise
      18. The Social World Of God’s People
      19. The Consummation Of God’s Promises
      Appendix: Reflections On New Testament Theology

      Additional Info
      While none of the New Testament documents claims to provide a theology on its own, Thomas Schreiner suggests that certain recurring themes emerge from the study of the whole. In this volume, he traces key themes as they appear throughout the New Testament canon, exploring the emphases that emerge from a detailed reading of the texts.

      Based on solid exegesis of all the key texts, Schreiner’s approach leads him to a more unified view of core New Testament teaching. He focuses particularly on two overarching themes. The first concerns the unity of redemptive history and the kingdom of God. The New Testament takes up Old Testament imagery and affirms that the kingdom has come (although it remains unfulfilled) in Jesus Christ. The second related theme concerns the goal of the kingdom–the glory of God through the work of Christ and the empowering presence of the Spirit. In the second half of the work, Schreiner takes up the question of what these themes mean for the life of the believer and the ministry of the community of faith.

      Although this substantial and comprehensive volume will be of great interest to scholars, Schreiner’s first concern is to provide an accessible guide for students and pastors. He has succeeded admirably, and readers will find here a lucid exposition of the theology of the New Testament writers.

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    • In My Place Condemned He Stood

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $14.20.

      If ever there was a time and a need for an enthusiastic reaffirmation of the biblical doctrine of substitutionary atonement, it is now. With this foundational tenet under widespread attack, J. I. Packer and Mark Dever’s anthology plays an important role, issuing a clarion call to readers to stand firm in the truth. In My Place Condemned He Stood combines three classic articles by Packer–The Heart of the Gospel; his Tyndale Biblical Theology Lecture, What Did the Cross Achieve; and his introductory essay to John Owen’s The Death of Death in the Death of Christ–with Dever’s recent article, Nothing but the Blood. It also features a foreword by the four principals of Together for the Gospel: Dever, Ligon Duncan, C. J. Mahaney, and Al Mohler. Thoughtful readers who are looking for a compact classic on this increasingly controversial doctrine need look no farther than this penetrating volume.

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