


    Michael Licona

    Showing the single result

    • Case For The Resurrection Of Jesus

      Original price was: $25.99.Current price is: $15.41.

      At some point in their Christian walk, many believers ask some difficult questions: Is Christianity really true? Are there any good reasons to know which religion is true? Could it be that God does not really exist? These are important questions, and we have an intense interest in their answers. After all, if atheism is true, then why should we subject ourselves to the teachings of Jesus? Why should we insist on views that alienate others, especially the claim that Jesus is the only way to heaven? If the Christian view of reality is wrong, we may be missing out on something. At least, we are needlessly straining relationships with others.

      The authors of this volume did ask these questions as young men. We determined to find some answers. We cannot tell you that we looked at the evidence without presuppositions or biases. This volume and its accompanying interactive software are tools to encourage Christians in their faith and to help them share with others the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection.

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