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    Mark Hitchcock

    • End Times Survival Guide

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $13.49.

      We live in a world that seems to be on the verge of coming apart. Shootings. Killer viruses. The threat of nuclear war. All of it is just too real.

      Why does the apocalypse craze in movies and video games appeal to so many people so strongly? One answer is it shows us the primal foundations of our existence. In the same way, what’s happening in our world today is moving Christians to return to the foundations of our spiritual existence. Believers everywhere must get back to what matters most. We must always remember that our battle, at its most basic level, is spiritual.

      So, what are the spiritual tools-the essentials-that Scripture tells us we must remember and use as the end draws near?

      In The End Times Survival Guide, you will discover ten spiritual tools the Bible relates directly to our preparation for the Lord’s coming-ten biblical survival strategies to live out in these last days so you and your family can prosper in an increasingly decaying, darkening world. These strategies won’t guarantee your physical or financial well-being, but they are guaranteed to bring life and vitality to your spiritual health and welfare as you cling to the immovable rock of God’s Word.

      When life is whittled down to its essence, the real issue is our spiritual condition before God. Discover how you can protect yourself and your family spiritually in these dark days.

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    • Can We Still Believe In The Rapture

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $9.99.

      Bizarre Fiction…or Biblical Fact?

      Today, the hope that all believers on earth will be caught up to heaven is being challenged in new waves of criticism. Can we really expect Jesus to gather up His followers before the Antichrist is revealed?

      In this well-reasoned and thorough defense, prophecy authors Mark Hitchcock and Ed Hindson examine the concept, context, and consequences of the important and long-expected event known as the rapture. Discover the answers to such questions as…
      *What is the rapture-and is there any precedent for it?
      *Why do some believers object to the idea of a rapture?
      *Does the timing of the rapture really make a difference?

      As you explore what Scripture says about the end times, you’ll get a grander glimpse of your future and the deepest hope of every follower of Jesus.

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    • ISIS Iran Israel

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

      What’s Next for the Middle East…and How Will It Affect Us?

      Iran has repeatedly declared its intention to destroy Israel. ISIS continues to gain ground, leaving a trail of death and terror in its wake. And Russia is inserting itself into Middle Eastern affairs in a power play prophesied long ago.

      ISIS, Iran, Israel is an updated edition of the book Iran and Israel by prophecy scholar Mark Hitchcock, with all-new information on ISIS, Russian involvement in Syria and Iran, and the overall state of relations between Israel and Iran. Hitchcock brings a strong biblical perspective to the latest conflicts, while answering important questions such as…
      *Are we on the road to the Apocalypse?
      *Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?
      *What can we expect in the days to come?
      *How are events in the Middle East affecting America today?

      An eye-opening survey of where things stand and how it all ties in with Bible prophecy.

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    • 101 Answers To Questions About Satan Demons And Spiritual Warfare

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      What is spiritual warfare? Who is Satan? How can I resist temptation and walk in the Spirit? In 101 Answers to Questions About Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare, bestselling author Mark Hitchcock will take you to the ultimate resource for guidance–God’s Word. There, you’ll find clarity and wisdom in response to questions such as… Where did Satan and demons come from? What tactics does Satan use to weaken or deceive us? How can we use the whole armor of God to protect ourselves from spiritual attack? What are the keys to overcoming temptation and walking in the Spirit? Can a believer be demon possessed? You’ll find this book filled with encouragement and hope–it affirms God’s full power over Satan, and provides you with everything you need to know to experience victory in spiritual warfare.

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    • 101 Answers To Questions About The Book Of Revelation

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

      Who are the 144,000 in Revelation 7:1-8? Are the trumpet judgments literal or symbolic (Revelation 8; 11)? What is the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:18)?

      Readers who have questions about the book of Revelation usually dont want to wade through pages of commentary to find their answers. Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock offers a helpful solution in this concise Q&A format.

      Questions are grouped in broad categories that focus on interpretation, background information, Jesus Christ, and the letters to the churches. A final category, The Consummation, is further divided into subparts that address the tribulation, the second coming, the millennium, and more.

      These easy-to find and easy-to-understand responses to the most commonly asked questions about the book of Revelation will empower readers to mine its riches and stand strong in their faith.

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    • End : A Complete Overview Of Bible Prophecy And The End Of Days

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      The end times have seen a great amount of interest within the last two decades, but there hasn’t been a comprehensive overview of biblical prophecy and eschatology for more than five decades. Mark Hitchcock’s book is that comprehensive resource for the twenty-first century The End will do for eschatology what Randy Alcorn’s Heaven did for people’s understanding of heaven. It will provide a solid biblical foundation for Christians to explore the essential truths around this topic-the end of the world.

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    • Who Is The Antichrist

      Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      With the growing interest in the Antichrist these days, curiosity runs high for both Christians and unbelievers–with good reason.  In books, movies, and even everyday conversation, so many different ideas about who he is, what he will do, and the timing of his arrival abound that it’s difficult to separate biblical fact from human speculation.

      Bestselling Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock looks to the one source readers can trust–the Bible–and answers questions such as…

      • Where will the Antichrist come from?
      • When will he appear on earth’s stage?
      • What is the significance of the number 666?
      • How will he rise to power, and what will finally happen to him?
      • Will we know who he is before the rapture happens?
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    • Amazing Claims Of Bible Prophecy

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.49.

      With over 500,000 Bible prophecy books sold, Mark Hitchcock is fast becoming one of the most popular and widely trusted voices on this topic. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy is his newest release.

      This book takes a fascinating look at one of the most important aspects of Bible prophecy: It confirms the divine origin and complete reliability of God’s Word. Only God-who is all-knowing-can tell what lies ahead with 100 percent accuracy.

      Readers will examine ten past prophecies and their astounding fulfillments, all of which serve as profound evidence for both unbelievers and believers that God’s Word can be trusted.
      Readers will also explore ten future prophecies and see how today’s events foreshadow the fact that Earth’s final hour is near.
      This resource will encourage believers toward a deeper confidence in the Word and equip them with a powerful defense against those who question the Bible’s truth claims.

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