



    Proper (Doctrine of God)

    • Making Sense Of The Trinity

      Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $17.00.

      1. Is The Doctrine Of The Trinity Biblical?
      2. Does The Doctrine Of The Trinity Make Sense?
      3. Does The Doctrine Of The Trinity Make Any Difference?
      112 Pages

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      Despite the common use of the phrase Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, many Christians and plenty of nonbelievers lack an understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. This often is a barrier to faith or growth, but one that can be overcome when explored openly and thoroughly. The Trinity has much to teach us about the essence of God and our relationships with one another.

      In Making Sense of the Trinity, Millard J. Erickson demonstrates the biblical foundation, logic, and importance of the Trinity as he answers these three questions:

      – Is the doctrine of the Trinity biblical?
      – Does the doctrine of the Trinity make sense?
      – Does the doctrine of the Trinity make any difference?

      The book is the latest in Baker’s 3 Crucial Questions series, which seeks to examine the most challenging aspects of Christian theology. Erickson’s down-to-earth language communicates to laity, seminary students, pastors, and scholars alike. All four groups will appreciate the reliable guidance of this respected scholar.

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    • Nature Of God

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $16.70.

      He is just–yet merciful. He is above all–yet He sent His Son to die for us. Arthur Pink’s classic meditation on God’s personality and power has inspired readers for generations. With awe, humility, and joy he leads readers through reflections on 45 facets of God’s personality. Ideal for personal reflection and daily Bible study, this book will help readers develop a deeper, richer love for the One who calls us His own.

      Few of us are accustomed to meditating on the personal perfections of God. Yet only by doing so can we become truly aware of the awe-inspiring and worship-provoking grandeur of His divine character.

      Within these pages, Arthur Pink helps you to do exactly that, offering a compelling examination of the nature of God; and focusing on deep, rich insights about dozens of excellencies which pertain to the Godhead as God and the Son as Christ, including: * the Foreknowledge of God
      * the Supremacy of God
      * the Power of God
      * the Faithfulness of God
      * the Goodness of God
      * the Fullness of Christ
      * the Humanity of Christ
      * the Saviorhood of Christ
      * the Rest of Christ
      * the Lordship of Christ

      From God’s sovereignty to His love and mercy, Christ’s leadership to His friendship, The Nature of God offers a reverent and loving study of the character of the God of whom we well may exclaim, For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever. Amen (Romans 11:36)

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    • Trinitarian Controversy (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $18.99.

      13 Chapters

      Additional Info
      This volume is a collection of primary texts that illustrates the lengthy process by which the early Christians reached a coherent doctrine of God. The period under discussion, generally known as the trinitarian controversy dates from around AD 319, the preaching of Arius, to about AD 419, the completion of Augustine’s On the Trinity. The documents reveal the unfolding of the theological process in which the church was seeking to distinguish its faith from paganism and to affirm the salvific character of its message.

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