


    Eschatology (Doctrine of Last Things)

    • End : A Complete Overview Of Bible Prophecy And The End Of Days

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      The end times have seen a great amount of interest within the last two decades, but there hasn’t been a comprehensive overview of biblical prophecy and eschatology for more than five decades. Mark Hitchcock’s book is that comprehensive resource for the twenty-first century The End will do for eschatology what Randy Alcorn’s Heaven did for people’s understanding of heaven. It will provide a solid biblical foundation for Christians to explore the essential truths around this topic-the end of the world.

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    • Christs Prophetic Plans

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $16.50.

      Do you wish you clearly understood the different views of the millenium and know why you believe which view you hold to?

      General editors and experienced bible scholars John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue help to provide a clear and convincing Biblical explanation for the interpretive approach to Scripture that results in a knowable futuristic view of Christ’s millennial reign on earth. Christ’s Prophetic Plans also helps provide the certain validity of God’s promises to future Israel, and the crucial differences between Israel (as a people and a nation) and the New Testament church.Christ’s Prophetic Plans offers the reader John MacArthur’s most explicit writing on eschatology and is perfect for pastors, bible professors, teachers, and students with a heart and mind for discovering Biblical truth.

      This primer takes you on a Biblical study of questions surrounding prophecy, Israel, the rapture, and the different millennial views. The furit of such study is great as God specifically promises His blessing on those who know and obey the things of biblical prophecy (Revelation 1:3; 22:7).

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    • Snatched Before The Storm

      Original price was: $3.00.Current price is: $2.49.

      This booklet is ideal for the pastor teaching a class or preparing a sermon on the rapture of the church. It will also prove helpful for anyone seeking a concise, yet clear, explanation of pretribulationism.

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    • Who Is The Antichrist

      Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      With the growing interest in the Antichrist these days, curiosity runs high for both Christians and unbelievers–with good reason.  In books, movies, and even everyday conversation, so many different ideas about who he is, what he will do, and the timing of his arrival abound that it’s difficult to separate biblical fact from human speculation.

      Bestselling Bible prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock looks to the one source readers can trust–the Bible–and answers questions such as…

      • Where will the Antichrist come from?
      • When will he appear on earth’s stage?
      • What is the significance of the number 666?
      • How will he rise to power, and what will finally happen to him?
      • Will we know who he is before the rapture happens?
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    • Is Hell For Real Or Does Everyone Go To Heaven

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $7.99.

      The traditional, biblically based view of Hell is again being questioned by people both in and outside the walls of the church. How could Jesus, the one who died for the sins of the world, condemn millions of people to eternal torment because they didn’t believe the right things about him? Doesn’t God’s goodness make it impossible for him to commit such an act of seemingly vengeful judgment? Isn’t eternal punishment disproportionate, and therefore unjust, in light of the temporal nature of all human failings? Can’t Jesus’ love overcome all who resist him, even the most unrepentant of sinners? In light of difficult questions like these—and in part as a response to the controversy stirred up by Rob Bell’s Love Wins—this book affirms with clarity and even-handedness the historic Christian doctrine regarding the final destiny of the unsaved. Together, the contributors explore the biblical and theological reasons for continuing to believe in hell, revealing along the way some of the consequences for the church when it loses sight of this doctrine. Is Hell for Real or Does Everyone Go to Heaven? answers some of today’s toughest questions with deep biblical insights and an irenic tone. This book is ideal for group studies on the topic or for individuals looking for a quick way to better understand the discussion.

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    • Answers To Common Questions About Heaven And Eternity

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

      What Christians believe about heaven and eternity has eternal consequences. Almost everyone has some ideas about these issues, but not all are biblical. For those readers wanting to know what the Bible says, the Answers to Common Questions series offers concise, yet thorough answers to all of their questions.
      Heaven is very real, but often misinterpreted. In Answers to Common Question About Heaven & Eternity, authors Timothy Demy and Thomas Ice discuss such queries as: -What will heaven be like? -Does everyone go to heaven? -What do other religions teach about heaven?

      Written in question-and-answer format for easy reading, this quick reference provides brief summaries of important biblical doctrines so Christians can confidently and honestly discuss their beliefs with family, friends, and neighbors.

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    • Amazing Claims Of Bible Prophecy

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.49.

      With over 500,000 Bible prophecy books sold, Mark Hitchcock is fast becoming one of the most popular and widely trusted voices on this topic. The Amazing Claims of Bible Prophecy is his newest release.

      This book takes a fascinating look at one of the most important aspects of Bible prophecy: It confirms the divine origin and complete reliability of God’s Word. Only God-who is all-knowing-can tell what lies ahead with 100 percent accuracy.

      Readers will examine ten past prophecies and their astounding fulfillments, all of which serve as profound evidence for both unbelievers and believers that God’s Word can be trusted.
      Readers will also explore ten future prophecies and see how today’s events foreshadow the fact that Earth’s final hour is near.
      This resource will encourage believers toward a deeper confidence in the Word and equip them with a powerful defense against those who question the Bible’s truth claims.

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    • Jonathan Edwards On Heaven And Hell

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $8.99.

      The question of the afterlife is, for many today, one of preference. Christians trained to evangelize unsaved people with the query, If you were to die today, do you know where you would go – heaven or hell? have grown befuddled when met with the response, I don’t believe in heaven or hell. Something in our culture has changed. The ground has shifted beneath our feet. We did not feel it. But change has come, just the same. We must reacquaint modern Christians with the eschatologically driven preaching and teaching of Edwards. This word eschatological may trip some readers up at first encounter, but it refers simply to last things, things of eternity and ultimate significance. We exhume Edwards scripturally fired material on the reality of the afterlife, the terror of hell, the glories of heaven, and the shape life must take in light of these realities. If we accept the Word as our authority, and if we will allow Edwards to serve as our faithful and imaginative guide, we will find that God is alive. He is Lord of heaven and earth, the sovereign ruler of all Creation. He is not small. He can be found. He is not silent on the afterlife, and His testimony calls for our attention, our concern, and our whole-hearted worship and trust. Easily accessible and readable, you do not need to be a scholar to enjoy these insights about Jonathan Edwards and his writings.

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    • Heaven : A World Of Love

      Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

      According to Jonathan Edwards, heaven will be a world of holy love, God himself is the source of this love and in heaven he will impart it perfectly to all his people. Edwards unfolds the nature, expression, effects and enjoyment of this best of all the gifts God ever bestows on those who believe.

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    • Because The Time Is Near

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $12.70.

      Why study the mysterious writings in Revelation? Does the end of the story really matter? No book in Scripture has been more misunderstood or misinterpreted than John’s prophecy. MacArthur removes doubt and the cloud of obscurity to reveal the only New Testament text that includes a promised spiritual blessing for those who heed its message.

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    • Millennialism : The Two Major Views (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $14.99.

      Millennialism: The Two Major Views, a 400-page paperback classic by Dr. Charles Feinberg, has just been re-issued by BMH Books and is now shipping. Feinberg carefully and systematically lays out the biblical interpretation systems for both the Premillennial and Amillennial views. Alva J. McClain says, The author’s approach and method is primarily biblical; that is, his appeal is to Scripture rather than to subsequent church Fathers and scholarly opinion, although the latter is not ignored.

      The book has 20 chapters, and the author begins with a discussion of biblical interpretation, dispensationalism and covenantism, and then analyzes both the premillennial and amillenial systems of thought, ending with seven chapters of comparison and conclusion.

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    • Understanding End Times Prophecy (Revised)

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $15.59.

      Bible prophecy continues to fascinate, nevermore than in troubled times of war and natural disasters. But why study Bible prophecy? What does it mean if a person is premillenial or amillenial, believes in the Rapture, or knows who or what the Beast of Revelation is? Benware’s framework for understanding Bible prophecy is based on the four biblical covenants: Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New. This book is a reference for seminary and college students, and those curious about the various views of end times prophetic events and biblical proof behind them.

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    • Second Coming : Signs Of Christs Return And The End Of The Age

      Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $15.26.

      God’s Word assures us of the Second Coming and commands us to know the signs of the times, to remain watchful, and to always be ready for Christ’s return–whenever it may be. This book is a straightforward, in-depth exploration of the key biblical texts regarding the Second Coming: most notably, Christ’s longest and most important message about the end time, the Olivet Discourse.

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    • Hell Under Fire

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99.

      What is the final destiny of those who don’t believe in Christ? Combatting resurgent universalism and annihilationism, these esteemed contributors (e.g., Daniel Block, Gregory Beale, Sinclair Ferguson, J.I. Packer) insist that the biblical position remains clear and unambiguous.

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    • Revelation 20 And The Millennial Debate

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $9.25.

      Often quoting the propronents of each view regarding premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism, this book summarizes and contrasts the arguments of the three positions as they relate to Revelation 20. Though premillennial in its conclusions, it provides a valuable and clear resource as to how each school of prophecy deals with this watershed passage.

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