



    • Glory Of Heaven

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $13.79.

      Our pictures of life in heaven cover the range from comical to curious, from mystical to fictitious-with maybe some biblical truth thrown in. But if heaven is in our future, and we are to be living with an eternal mindset, we really need to know more about what lies ahead. In this redesigned, re-edited, and newly expanded classic book, pastor John MacArthur takes us through the pages of Scripture, exploring the wonders of heaven, angels, and eternal life. Come along with this best-selling author for an in-depth look at every Christian’s future-heaven, our eternal home.

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    • Connecting Church 2.0

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $5.00.

      The development of meaningful relationships, where every member carries a significant sense of belonging, is central to what it means to be the church. So why do many Christians feel disappointed and disillusioned with their efforts to experience authentic community? Despite the best efforts of pastors, small group leaders and faithful lay persons, church is too often a place of loneliness rather than connection. In this revised and updated version of his bestselling book, Randy Frazee shows us how church can be so much…better-more intimate and alive.

      The answer may seem radical today, but it was a central component of life in the early church. First-century Christians knew what it meant to live in vital community with one another, relating with a depth and commitment that made the body of Christ a perfect metaphor for the church. What would it take to reclaim that kind of love, joy, support, and dynamic spiritual growth? Read this book and find out.

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    • Mary Slessor : What Is It Like

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      Mary Slessor was a fiery young red head who lead a tough life. From the slums of Dundee in Scotland she travelled to the wild jungles of Africa. Wherever she went she shared the good news of Jesus Christ. What was it like to work in a jute mill in Dundee or to work amongst warrior tribes in Africa? It was hard work, it was dangerous – but it was an adventure to be working for God.

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    • Pleasantness Of A Religious Life

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $5.20.

      Here is a bait that has no hook under it…a pleasure which God himself invites you to, and which will make you happy, truly and eternally happy…it is certain that there is true pleasure in true religion. Matthew Henry

      Matthew Henry, the great Puritan commentator, here looks at what gives people real joy. He looks at 12 different types of Christian pleasure, reviews what God has done to bring sinners joy, demonstrates that Christian experience proves this and challenges the reader to join in! This was Matthew Henry’s last book and was at the press when he died in 1714.This classic of Christian living is brought to you by J. I. Packer who adds an extensive introduction to the book showing its significance and gestation from Henry’s ministry.

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    • Truth About Forgiveness

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $6.50.

      A focused, powerful message about forgiveness and its necessity in living a joy-filled Christian life.

      The greatest measuring rod of love in the life of a Christian may be forgiveness, because God showed His love to us in terms of forgiveness. -John MacArthur

      Does anyone really want to forgive? Or admit that we need forgiveness? Whether we’re giving or receiving, forgiveness is hard. It seems unfair. It feels unnatural. And as best-selling author and pastor John MacArthur demonstrates, forgiveness apart from Christ is unnatural. It is only as we understand our need, Christ’s power and example, and what it really means to love that we can embrace two of the most liberating acts of love: forgiving and being forgiven.

      The Truth About Series
      For decades, MacArthur has encouraged countless Christians to develop a deeper understanding of the Bible and a greater respect for God’s truth. In The Truth About series, he now gathers his landmark teachings about core aspects of the Christian faith in one place. These powerful books are designed to give readers a focused experience that centers on God’s character and how it applies to their daily walk of faith.

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    • Truth About Grace

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $7.98.

      A focused, powerful message about God’s character and the purpose of grace in the Christian life.

      Is the experience of God’s grace in your life a thrilling thing? Just thinking about the fact that God, by His own sovereign plan, decided to be gracious to me is overwhelming. There is nothing greater than receiving grace upon grace. -John MacArthur

      Simple definitions can make grace feel like an obvious-even mundane-concept. Nothing could be further from the truth. Grace is the defining feature of the Christian faith. Once we understand how undeserving we are and how much favor we’ve been given, grace becomes shocking, thrilling, inspiring, and contagious.

      Best-selling author and pastor John MacArthur illuminates this profound concept with verse upon verse of Scripture. He also shows that misunderstandings about grace have led to some of the church’s greatest problems, perhaps because grace is her most precious gift.

      The Truth About Series
      For decades, MacArthur has encouraged countless Christians to develop a deeper understanding of the Bible and a greater respect for God’s truth. In The Truth About series, he now gathers his landmark teachings about core aspects of the Christian faith in one place. These powerful books are designed to give readers a focused experience that centers on God’s character and how it applies to their daily walk of faith.

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    • Your Childs Profession Of Faith (Revised)

      Original price was: $9.75.Current price is: $5.36.

      In a new, updated edition for 2011. New additional chapters and helps for parents and pastors.

      Gundersen’s unique treatment of this rarely-addressed subject can make the difference between parents who participate in their children’s deception and presumption, or parents who truly guide him to eternal life. If a small child tells us he thinks he’s saved, do we take his words at face value? How do we test his profession, especially without seeming to doubt the child and discourage him? Many have found this book the most useful guide ever written on the topic.

      A Christian parent would sooner die than make a mistake with the soul of his or her child. And yet so often it’s hard to distinguish the stirrings of the Spirit in the soul of a child from their natural curiosity about the things of God that they hear about at church and home. In other words, just because a child starts asking questions about God and the Bible doesn’t necessarily indicate he is close to salvation, but may merely reflect the normal thoughtfulness of a growing child about what he’s learning at church and home. Still, we always want to encourage and nurture any such godward interest as much as possible. Dennis Gundersen’s book can help parents point a child to Christ, and guide them in walking along a biblical path that avoids manipulation and false assurance on the one hand, and presumption and neglect on the other.
      — Donald S. Whitney, Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

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    • Zeal For Godliness

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $16.24.

      Following Calvin’s intent with the Institutes, this book displays the coherence, trustworthiness, and glory of biblical truth for all ages. We hope these readings will awaken readers to the relevance of Calvin’s theology, humble them by the depth of Calvin’s insights, and challenge them in their progress in the Christian Life. Most of all, we hope they discover that exploring the Institutes means following Calvin as he follows into a deeper, Bible-saturated devotion to the triune God.

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    • Mirror Ball : Living Boldly And Shining Brightly For The Glory Of God

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $0.50.

      When it comes to a life of mission and worship, it’s not about our own light and brilliance-we have none. But when we allow God to shine through us, we become a dazzling testimony to His radiance.
      –Matt Redman, Mirror Ball

      Passion is more than a song or a feeling. It’s a story of guts and glory, pain, and purpose. For anyone who follows Jesus, passion is a way of life. But how do we live out this grand calling?

      In Mirror Ball, worship leader and songwriter Matt Redman reminds us that even when we feel insufficient to reflect God’s glory, God can show through us as light radiates through a prism. Living in this truth will transform how we view our words, our relationships, our daily lives.

      You–and your world–will never be the same.

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    • Gods Names

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $8.10.

      When you want to get to know someone, where do you start? How do you introduce yourself? Usually you start with someone’s name.

      God knows this-and he doesn’t have just one name to share with us! The Bible gives us many names for God and tells us what they all mean. And when we learn a new name for God, we learn something new about him, too!

      This book is for parents and children to read together. Every chapter includes questions for family discussion and an activity.

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    • Matthew And Mark (Revised)

      Original price was: $52.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      The award-winning Expositor’s Bible Commentary-now completely revised. The original work has earned its reputation with students, professors, and pastors the world over. Now this thirteen-volume set builds upon the foundation of its predecessor with the most current scholarship and resources.

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    • Martin Luther : What Should I Do

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      Especially for children ages 4-7, the true story of Martin Luther and the Reformation in the popular Little Lights series. Illustrated by Rita Ammassari.

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    • John Calvin : What Is The Truth

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      Especially for children ages 4-7, the true story of John Calvin and the Reformation in the popluar Little Lights series. Illustrated by Rita Ammassari.

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    • Disciple Making Church (Revised)

      Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $12.75.

      Every Christian, church leader and layperson alike, has been called by Christ to make disciples. But often there is so much focus in our churches on the first part of Christ’s command–evangelism–that the second part–teaching new believers to obey all that Christ commanded–is forgotten. New believers find themselves on their own, trying to figure out what their new life is supposed to look like.

      In this well-loved book, Bill Hull explains why disciple-making must be the focus of every believer’s life and shows how each of us can do it. With practical examples drawn from vast ministry experience, Hull helps the church deepen and enrich the lives of believers as they learn to truly follow Christ.

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    • 40 Questions About Interpreting The Bible

      Original price was: $22.99.Current price is: $12.18.

      In 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible, New Testament Professor Dr. Robert L. Plummer tackles the major questions that persons ask about reading and understanding the Bible.

      Questions include:

      • Does the Bible contain error?
      • Were the ancient manuscripts of the Bible transmitted accurately?
      • What is the best English Bible translation?
      • Is the Bible really all about Jesus?
      • Do all the commands of the Bible apply today?
      • Why can’t people agree on what the Bible means?
      • How do we interpret historical narrative?
      • How do we interpret the Psalms?
      • What does the Bible tell us about the future?
      • What is the “Theological Interpretation of Scripture”?
      • and many others
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