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    Biblical Studies

    • Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds the great truths of John 14:1-12, offering encouragement to Christians and direction for unbelievers in dealing with fear and uncertainty. In 1951, with the Second World War not long over and the menace of the Cold War generating anxiety in the West, Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached eight sermons on John 14:1-12 at Westminster Chapel in London. These sermons, presented in Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, were intended to comfort, strengthen, and build up Christians in their most holy faith; and to bring unbelievers to a knowledge of the only way men and women can face matters of life and death. Lloyd-Jones went through these verses carefully, showing that the way to deal with our fears is first to recognize and confront them and then to realize that the answer is only to be found in the great and unchanging truths of the gospel. Pastors, Lloyd-Jones readers, and anyone needing encouragement will benefit from this work by one of the twentieth century’s foremost preachers.

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    • Survey Of The Old Testament

      Original price was: $59.99.Current price is: $29.99.

      This widely acclaimed textbook, newly expanded and redesigned, helps readers better understand the Old Testament (and the God it reveals) by exploring the literary, historical, and theological issues behind it and behind each of its books. Helpful maps, photos, timelines, and charts now in full color.

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    • Virgin Birth : A Biblical Study Of The Deity Of Jesus Christ

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

      Beginning with a fundamental doctrinal summary of the Trinity, Gromacki then considers the primary passages in both Testaments that present the virgin birth and the deity of Christ. He works through problem texts and supplies plausible alternatives where evangelicals differ. topics addressed in the book include the Two Gospel accounts of the virgin birth (Matthew and Luke), popular misconceptions about the virgin birth, physical and biological implications of the virgin birth and the socalled parallels to the virgin birth in pagan literature.

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    • We Become What We Worship

      Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $25.60.

      The heart of the Biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we become like what we worship. Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation.

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    • How We Got The Bible

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      Rich in information and beautiful full-color images, this book takes you on a fascinating tour through the origins of the Bible. How We Got the Bible tells the visual story of how the Bible came to be-a process that began with Moses and extends to our modern translations.

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    • Historical Reliability Of The Gospels (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $20.82.

      Are the Gospels trustworthy as history? Dr. Blomberg describes this century’s ”search for the historical Jesus” and the faulty presuppositions that led to mistaken conclusions about Him. He discusses problems in the miracle stories and alleged inconsistencies. And he provides scholarly criteria for evaluating the Gospels.

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    • Introduction To Biblical Hermeneutics (Expanded)

      Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $9.97.

      This standard hermeneutics text has been updated and expanded, allowing the authors to fine-tune their discussions on fundamental interpretive topics. Four new chapters have been added that address more recent controversial issues. The coauthors hold different viewpoints on many topics addressed, making for vibrant, thought-provoking dialogue on this crucial discipline.

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    • Hermeneutics : Principles And Processes Of Biblical Interpretation (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $12.50.

      1. Introduction To Biblical Hermeneutics
      2. The History Of Biblical Interpretation
      3. Historical-Cultural And Contextual Analysis
      4. Lexical-Syntactical Analysis
      5. Theological Analysis
      6. Special Literary Forms: Similes, Metaphors, Proverbs, Parables, And Allegories
      7. Special Literary Forms: Prophecy, Apocalyptic Literature, And Types
      8. Applying The Biblical Message: A Proposal For The Transcultural Problem

      Additional Info
      If non-specialists learn the correct principles and processes for hermeneutics, much more accurate and helpful biblical interpretation can be accomplished. This book gives the reader not only an understanding of the principles of proper biblical interpretation but also the ability to apply those principles in sermon preparation, personal Bible study, or writing.

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    • Living By The Book (Revised)

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.75.

      Do you feel guilty about not enjoying personal Bible study? Ever wonder how some people can percolate with enthusiasm over the same passages that leaves you unmoved? Father and son authors Howard and Bill Hendricks believe practicing effective inductive Bible
      study methods can make the difference. After taking Howard’s course at Dallas
      Theological Seminary, Chuck Swindoll said, What a difference it would make if all God’s people could get hold of the techniques and principles necessary for the cultivation of their own spiritual nourishment.

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    • Gods Indwelling Presence

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $5.00.

      Does the Holy Spirit do the same things in New Testament times that He did in Old Testament times? Volume one in the NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY STUDIES IN BIBLE AND THEOLOGY series for pastors, advanced Bible students, and other deeply committed laypersons addresses this challenging subject.

      God’s Indwelling Presence asks and explores the question: What are the differences and similarities between Old Testament and New Testament believers? Did God dwell in Old Testament believers as He does in New Testament believers? Were Old Testament believers born again (that is, did they experience regeneration)? What do the words indwelling and regeneration mean? How is the Holy Spirit’s ministry similar or different during Old Testament and New Testament times?

      Users will find this an excellent extension of the long-respected NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY.

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    • Minor Prophets Volumes 1-2

      Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $19.99.

      A set of two inspirational commentaries on the message of the Minor Prophets. Respected preacher James Montgomery Boice discusses the life and works of each prophet, starting with Hosea and ending with Malachi.

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    • Shepherds After My Own Heart

      Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $19.99.

      Series Preface
      Author’s Preface

      I. Background
      II. Biblical Prototypes
      III. YHWH, The Messiah And Promises Of A Second Exodus
      IV. The Shepherd Messiah, His Followers And The Second Exodus
      V. Following And Serving The Shepherd-Lamb
      VI. Concluding Observations And Reflections

      Appendix A: Mesopotamian Deities With Shepherd Titles
      Appendix B: Mesopotamian Kings With Shepherd Titles And Epithets
      Index Of Modern Authors
      Index Of Scripture References
      Index Of Ancient Sources

      Additional Info
      Shepherds After My Own Heart is a full-length academic treatment of the theme of the shepherd/pastor throughout the whole of scripture. It comprises a detailed study of Ancient Near Eastern understandings of this powerful metaphor, its uses and development in the Old Testament and its employment by the apostolic writers to describe the messianic significance of Jesus Christ, both in his earthly ministry and in his ascended and apocalyptic Lordship over church and world. In doing so, it articulates key elements of a biblical theology of pastoral ministry and leadership.

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    • Essential Bible Companion

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $10.29.

      What You Need to Know, When You Need to Know It The Essential Bible Companion gives you what it promises: the essentials. The most vital, absolutely indispensable information you need for reading and truly understanding God’s Word. Developed by two world-class Bible scholars and the creator of The Bible in 90 Days curriculum, this unique, easy-to-use reference guide gives you clear, crisp insights into the Bible book by book. From Genesis to Revelation, each book of the Bible has its key details laid out for you clearly and engagingly in a colorful two-page spread that includes – background information – timelines – important biblical characters Striking a balance between too little and too much information-between the brief introductions provided in a Bible and the potentially overwhelming detail of a standard reference handbook-this well-designed, extremely helpful volume condenses the most important information in a highly visual, easy-to-understand format. Ideal for use as a companion to The Bible in 90 Days curriculum, The Essential Bible Companion is also a valuable resource for any Bible study. However you use it, this richly informative volume will assist you on your journey toward a well-grounded biblical faith.

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    • Paul Apostle Of Gods Glory In Christ (Student/Study Guide)

      Original price was: $42.00.Current price is: $36.99.

      In this paper edition Thomas R. Schreiner gives us a sound and insightful exposition and assessment of Paul’s theology that is well-geared to the needs of seminary students and working pastors.

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    • Dying Thoughts

      Original price was: $9.00.Current price is: $7.99.

      An exposition of Philippians 1:23 by one of the most outstanding pastors of the golden age of English Puritanism, dealing honestly with the doubts and fears that often assail a Christian facing the prospect of eternity, while also providing much needed counsel, strength and comfort. A devotional classic.

      More well known for his Reformed Pastor, Richard Baxter was the outstanding pastor of Kidderminster. Dying Thoughts is his exposition of Paul’?s words in Philippians 1:23: ?For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better.? Benjamin Fawcett who made this abridged version of the original work wrote, ?The ?Dying Thoughts? of Mr. Baxter chiefly present to our view what every Christian may attain, and what it is the highest interest, as well as the indispensable duty of every Christian to aspire after.? In this little book, we see Baxter wrestling with his own doubts and fears as he faces eternity, jealously examining his own heart, anxious to test his own sincerity, taking nothing for granted. Baxter wanted to die with every grace in his soul in full vigour. A man of like passions as ourselves, his Dying Thoughts provides much needed counsel, strength and comfort because it deals with the same conflicts, complaints and desires which fill our own hearts.

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