


    Biblical History

    • Encountering John: The Gospel In Historical Literary and Theological Perspective

      Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $15.99.

      In this updated edition of his successful textbook, leading evangelical New Testament scholar Andreas Köstenberger offers a survey of John’s gospel that is informed by current scholarship but written at an accessible level. The book has been revised throughout and features a new interior design. Photos, sidebars, and other pedagogical aids are included.

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    • Historical Reliability Of The Gospels (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $27.00.Current price is: $20.82.

      Are the Gospels trustworthy as history? Dr. Blomberg describes this century’s ”search for the historical Jesus” and the faulty presuppositions that led to mistaken conclusions about Him. He discusses problems in the miracle stories and alleged inconsistencies. And he provides scholarly criteria for evaluating the Gospels.

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    • New Testament History (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $24.99.

      Witherington, an expert on the social world of the NT, offers a narrative history of the New Testament world from Jesus’ birth through the early years of the church.

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    • New Testament Teaching On Tongues

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $8.39.

      192 Pages

      Additional Info
      Is speaking in tongues a valid spiritual gift for today? Do the fruits of the modern charismatic movement commend glossolalia as a positive blessing for God’s people? Examining the New Testament Teaching on Tongues, biblical scholar Merrill Unger explores the controversy. Adopting a cessationist stance, he offers a concise but thorough look at the relevant Scripture passages as well as evidence from church history.

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    • Justification And Variegated Nomism Volume 1

      Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $56.01.

      An illumination of the complexities of the Judaism of New Testament times, specifically the relationship between Christian faith and Jewish laws.

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    • Tabernacle : Shadows Of The Messiah

      Original price was: $10.95.Current price is: $6.57.

      See How the Tabernacle Relates to Jesus
      The Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah book explains each part of the Tabernacle-the sacrificial system, and the priesthood-and how they relate to Jesus. This easy-to-understand book helps people understand God’s plan for redemption, the holiness of God, worship, and Jesus’ priestly ministry. Chapters include topics such as the offerings (burnt offering, meal offering, peace offering, sin offering, trespass offering), the priesthood (the significance of the clothing and the steps necessary to approach a holy God), and Jesus’ service and intercession as our great high priest.

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