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    • Answers To Common Questions About Heaven And Eternity

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

      What Christians believe about heaven and eternity has eternal consequences. Almost everyone has some ideas about these issues, but not all are biblical. For those readers wanting to know what the Bible says, the Answers to Common Questions series offers concise, yet thorough answers to all of their questions.
      Heaven is very real, but often misinterpreted. In Answers to Common Question About Heaven & Eternity, authors Timothy Demy and Thomas Ice discuss such queries as: -What will heaven be like? -Does everyone go to heaven? -What do other religions teach about heaven?

      Written in question-and-answer format for easy reading, this quick reference provides brief summaries of important biblical doctrines so Christians can confidently and honestly discuss their beliefs with family, friends, and neighbors.

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    • Holman QuickSource Bible Atlas

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      Holman QuickSource Bible Atlas with Charts and Biblical Reconstructions packs an amazing amount of information about the Bible into a book that’s easy-to-carry and easy-to-use. The book opens with an introduction to the physical context in which the events of the Bible took place, the varied climates within this narrow geographical area, the natural and manmade routes that made Palestine the crossroads of the world, and the agricultural/religious calendar that was so integral to life in Israel. The second part of the book is arranged chronologically providing 100+ maps that illuminate the geographical context of major Biblical events.

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    • Crossway ESV Bible Atlas

      Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $19.99.

      This groundbreaking, full-color companion to the ESV Bible combines visual appeal with state-of-the-art historical and geographical resources in one user-friendly volume. Capitalizing on recent advances in satellite imaging and geographic information systems, the Crossway ESV Bible Atlas offers Bible readers a comprehensive, up-to-date resource that blends technical sophistication with readability, visual appeal, and historical and biblical accuracy. All the key methods of presenting Bible geography and history are here, including more than 175 full-color maps, 70 photographs, 3-D re-creations of biblical objects and sites, indexes, timelines, and 65,000 words of narrative description. The atlas uniquely features regional maps detailing biblically significant areas such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Italy, and Greece. It also includes a CD with searchable indexes and digital maps, and a removable, 16.5 x 22-inch map of Palestine. This carefully crafted reference tool not only sets a new standard in Bible atlases but will help ESV readers more clearly understand the world of the Bible and the meaning of Scripture.

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    • MacArthur Topical Bible

      Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $34.99.

      Finally, a contemporary topical Bible that’s as easy to use as a dictionary! Wouldn’t you like to have all the Scriptures on an important Bible topic, such as marriage, end times, the Holy Spirit, or money management in one place and instantly available – not just the references but the entire passage? The MacArthur Topical Bible is the most user-friendly Bible study tool released in decades. It’s a comprehensive volume of 20,000 Bible topics and more than 100,000 Bible passages, carefully cross-referenced and organized for quick and complete visual location. It’s an amazing time-saver for teachers and pastors planning their lessons. Designed for beginning students as well as seasoned scholars, The MacArthur Topical Bible is useful with all Bible translations. It is the perfect companion to the MacArthur Study Bible. Next to the Bible this is the best companion a Christian can have for in-depth study of thousands of spiritual subjects.

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    • Bare Bones Bible Handbook For Teens

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $8.89.

      Bestselling author Jim George adapts his popular The Bare-Bones Bible Handbook (55,000 copies sold) for teens. This fast and friendly overview of every book of the Bible will inspire teens to explore the wisdom and truth of scripture as they discover: What is the major theme of each book of the Bible? What are the most important lessons for everyday life in each book? Who are the key characters, and what do they teach us? What are the key events in each book? This fascinating survey also includes sidebars geared to a teen’s interests and life, giving them a solid foundation of knowledge about the most important book ever written. And Jim George’s ability to make complex topics understandable will have readers referring to this resource again and again as their faith and wisdom grow throughout the years. A must for every youth group and leader.

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    • Believers Baptism : Sign Of The New Covenant In Christ

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $18.99.

      Is believer’s baptism the clear teaching of the New Testament Scriptures? What are the historical and theological challenges to believer’s baptism? What are the practical applications for believer’s baptism today? Volume two in the NEW AMERICAN COMMENTARY STUDIES IN BIBLE & THEOLOGY (NACSBT) series for pastors, advanced Bible students, and other deeply committed laypersons addresses these compelling questions.

      Indeed, Believer’s Baptism begins with the belief that believer’s baptism (as opposed to infant baptism or other faith proclaiming methods) is the clear teaching of the New Testament. Along the way, the argument is supported by written contributions from Andreas Kostenberger, Robert Stein, Thomas Schreiner, Stephen Wellum, Steve McKinion, Jonathan Rainbow, Shawn Wright, and Mark Dever.

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    • Living By The Book (Revised)

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $13.75.

      Do you feel guilty about not enjoying personal Bible study? Ever wonder how some people can percolate with enthusiasm over the same passages that leaves you unmoved? Father and son authors Howard and Bill Hendricks believe practicing effective inductive Bible
      study methods can make the difference. After taking Howard’s course at Dallas
      Theological Seminary, Chuck Swindoll said, What a difference it would make if all God’s people could get hold of the techniques and principles necessary for the cultivation of their own spiritual nourishment.

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    • English Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament

      Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $46.99.

      This state-of-the-art reverse interlinear New Testament, created in partnership with The German Bible Society and Logos Bible Software, breaks with the convention of traditional interlinear texts by keeping the English as the top-line entry and placing the Greek text underneath it. This approach allows you to see firsthand the accuracy with which the ESV translators rendered the Greek text.The publishers of the ESV have partnered with Logos Bible Software, the premier Bible research software developer, to publish this resource. Features: transliterations of all Greek words for easy pronunciation, Strong’s numbers for effective cross-referencing to other study tools, morphology of each word and free electronic version of the ESV on CD-ROM, with additional study tools.

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    • Mounces Complete Expository Dictionary

      Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $26.99.

      Modern scholarship makes this the Vine’sfor the twenty-first century For years, Vine’s Expository Dictionaryhas been the standard word study tool for pastors and laypeople, selling millions of copies. But sixty-plus years of scholarship have shed extensive new light on the use of biblical Greek and Hebrew, creating the need for a new, more accurate, more thorough dictionary of Bible words. William Mounce, whose Greek grammar has been used by more than 100,000 college and seminary students, is the editor of this new dictionary, which will become the layperson’s gold standard for biblical word studies. Mounce’sis ideal for the reader with limited or no knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, but who wants greater insight into the meaning of biblical words to enhance Bible study. It is also the perfect reference for busy pastors needing to quickly get at the heart of a word’s meaning without wading through more technical studies. What makes Mounce’ssuperior to Vine’s?

      * The most accurate, in-depth definitions based on the best of modern evangelical scholarship * Both Greek and Hebrew words are found under each English entry ( Vine’sseparates them) * Employs both Strong’s and G/K numbering systems * Mounce’saccuracy is endorsed by leading scholars

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    • On The Reliability Of The Old Testament

      Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.88.

      Takes strong issue with today’s revisionist critics and offers a firm foundation for the historicity of the biblical texts.

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    • Rose Book Of Bible Charts Maps And Time Lines

      Original price was: $34.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      New! All Your Favorite Rose Charts in One Book!
      Now you can have 180 pages of full-color Bible charts, maps, and time lines in one spiral bound book. The full-color Rose Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines contains–

      General Bible Charts
      * 100 Well-Known People in the Bible
      * 100 Well-Known Prayers in the Bible
      * Table of Biblical Weights and Measures
      * Books of the Bible
      * Bible Overview–Old Testament
      * Bible Overview–New Testament
      * How We Got the Bible
      * Christian History Time Line

      Old Testament Charts
      * The Creation
      * 100 Well-Known Old Testament Events
      * Family Tree of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
      * Names of God
      * Jesus & The Names of God
      * The Ten Commandments and You
      * Feasts & Holidays of the Bible
      * The Cycle Pattern in Judges
      * Kings and Prophets
      * Kings
      * Prophets
      * The Statue in the Book of Daniel
      * Archaeology & the Bible–Old Testament

      New Testament Charts
      * The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
      * 100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
      * Events in the Life of Jesus
      * Miracles of Jesus
      * Parables of Jesus
      * The Beatitudes
      * The Twelve Disciples
      * Evidence for the Resurrection
      * Biblical Descriptions of Heaven & Hell
      * 100 Well-Known Events from Acts to Revelation
      * 1 Corinthians 13
      * The Armor of God
      * The Fruit of the Spirit
      * Acts of the Sinful Nature
      * Seven Churches of Revelation
      * Four Views of the End-Times
      * Archaeology & the Bible–New Testament

      * Middle East: The (BC) and Now
      * Middle East: Expansion by Assyrian Rulers
      * Middle East: Babylonian and Persian Empires
      * Middle East: Fascination Facts and Figures
      * Middle East and Central Asia
      * The Holy Land: Then and Now
      * The Holy Land: The Exodus
      * Exodus Time Line
      * The Holy Land: United Kingdom
      * The Holy Land: Divided Kingdom
      * Where Jesus Walked: Then and Now
      * Paul’s Journey’s: Then and Now
      * Paul’s First Journey
      * Paul’s Second and Third Journeys
      * Paul’s Journeys and Guide

      Illustrations and Diagrams
      * Noah’s Ark
      * The Tabernacle
      * The Ark of the Covenant
      * Solomon’s Temple
      * Herod’s Temple
      * Palm Sunday to Easter

      Christianity, Cults & Religions
      * The Trinity
      * Denominations Comparison
      * Christianity, Cults & Religions
      * Islam & Christianity


      If you bought all of these charts and pamphlets separately, you would pay more than $250. Plus you can reproduce up to 300 copies of any chart free of charge (use in one church, not for sale

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    • Bible Overview Pamphlet

      Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.99.

      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
      Unfolds To 33 Long

      Additional Info
      Bible Overview
      The Bible Overview pamphlet gives a fantastic summary of every book of the Bible-
      * Who wrote the book? * When was it written? * Where was it written?
      * Message, main events, and theme * Key verse
      This is a great reference for ages 10 and up. Easy-to-understand text for young people and for people with no Bible background, yet clear and scholarly enough for college students and seminarians. Pamphlet fits perfectly in most Bibles

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    • New International Dictionary Of New Testament Theology (Abridged)

      Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $28.49.

      This abridgment of Colin Brown’s original fourvolume work is arranged with its entries in Greek alphabet order, which makes it easy to find the discussion of a particular word. All Greek words are transliterated into English and linked with their GoodrickKohlenberger numbers. This book was formerly titled The NIV Theological Dictionary of New Testament Words. Now it has been reset in double columns and wider margins. EDITOR: Dr. Verlyn Verbrugge

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    • Basic Bible Interpretation

      Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $5.00.

      A hermeneutics book for the common person. Readers will appreciate the scholarly, yet readable style of Roy Zuck, former Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary.

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    • Saint Paul The Traveler And Roman Citizen (Revised)

      Original price was: $32.99.Current price is: $17.48.

      Hailed by Christian History magazine as a classic from a previous era that still gives insight, William Ramsay’s St. Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen takes on a brilliant new luster in this full-color updated, illustrated edition.

      Editor Mark Wilson has completed the original text by including additional material published at a later date by Ramsay, covering the life of Paul at his conversion and in Palestine prior to his missionary travels. This definitive edition will serve as a study tool for anyone interested in the history and geography of Paul’s first-century travels.
      * Lavishly illustrated with more than one hundred color photographs
      * More than twenty maps and charts
      * Exhaustive indexes of persons, Bible texts cited, subjects, and places
      * Fifteen helpful sidebar commentaries by the editor
      * Complete list of photographs, charts, and maps
      * Transliterated texts for the non-Greek reader

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