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    Ken Ham

    • All Gods Children

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.99.

      This cut-out board book is a fun introduction for younger children to the implications of the tower of Babel. Told in rhyming verse, children from around the world wonder why they look different and live in different places; they go to the Bible for answers, and in the end, learn why they’re all diverse…and why they’re all related. 11 board-book pages.

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    • Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved

      Original price was: $11.99.Current price is: $10.99.

      In this publication, the author has attempted to demonstrate that when one takes the events of history as given in the Bible, as well as the doctrines of Christianity that an entire way of thinking can actually be developed that can be applied to all areas of the created universe.

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