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    David Jones

    • Health Wealth And Happiness

      Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $4.99.

      Be faithful in your giving and God will reward you financially. It’s not always stated that blatantly but the promises of the Prosperity Gospel–or the name-it-and-claim-it gospel, the health-and-wealth gospel, the word of faith movement, or positive confession theology–are false. Yet its message permeates the preaching of well-known Christian leaders: Joyce Meyer, T. D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and many more.

      The appeal of this teaching crosses racial, gender, denominational, and international boundaries. Why are otherwise faithful Christians so easily led astray? Because the Prosperity Gospel contains a grain of biblical truth, greatly distorted.

      For anyone who knows that Prosperity Gospel theology is wrong but has trouble articulating and refuting the finer points, this concise edition contains all the robust arguments of the hard-hitting original edition in a shorter, more accessible form.

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    • Marriage And The Family Concise Edition

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.97.

      The recent rulings on gay marriage and debates on family-related issues have placed the topics of marriage and family at the forefront of the public eye moreso than at any point in history. Western civilization is confronted with the need to define the meaning of the terms marriage and family.

      Professor Andreas Kostenberger and ethics expert David Jones have composed this popular-level book to speak to the issues at hand and point to the fundamental solution: a return to the biblical foundation of marriage and the family. Presenting a Christian theology of marriage and parenting, they offer insight on issues such as abortion, contraception, infertility, and adoption as well as helpful advice for those who are unmarried. The two writers also address two major threats to marriage and the family within the contemporary culture: homosexuality and divorce.

      Immensely important and well-timed, Marriage and the Family will satisfy a hungry market on the lookout for the biblical truth about marriage and family.

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    • God Marriage And Family

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $11.50.

      This updated edition of Kostenberger and Jones’s acclaimed work tackles the latest challenges to God’s plan for the home and urges a return to a biblical foundation. The release of the landmark first edition of God, Marriage, and Family provided an integrated, biblical treatment of God’s purposes for the home. Since then, explain authors Andreas Kostenberger and David Jones, the crisis confronting modern households has only intensified, and yet the solution remains the same: obedience to and application of God’s Word. In the second edition of God, Marriage, and Family, Kostenberger and Jones explore the latest controversies, cultural shifts, and teachings within both the church and society and further apply Scripture’s timeless principles to contemporary issues. This new edition includes an assessment of the family-integrated church movement; discussion of recent debates on corporal punishment, singleness, homosexuality, and divorce and remarriage; new sections on the theology of sex and the parenting of teens; and updated bibliographies. This book will prove to be a valuable resource for personal and group study, Christian counseling, and marriage and family courses.

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