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    All Around Theology

    • Easy Chairs Hard Words

      Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.99.

      1. Can Salvation Be Lost?
      2. Can Christ Lose A Christian?
      Texts On The Preservation Of The Saints
      3. Ideas Have Consequences
      4. Carnal Reasoning
      5. Is God The Author Of Sin?
      6. Controlled Freedom
      Texts On Providence
      7. Potters And Pots
      8. Election
      9. Gifts And Wages
      10. Definite Atonement
      Texts On The Atonement
      11. Regeneration
      Texts On Regeneration
      12. Death In Sin
      Texts On The Condition Of Man
      13. All Men?
      14. Is Anything Too Hard For God?
      15. Two Kinds Of Freedom
      16. God In The Dock
      17. Study And Work
      18. Systematics
      19. Hard Mercies
      20. Conclusion

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      Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens. You will say to me then, Why still find fault? For who has resisted His will? But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Romans 9:18-20a

      Hard words, indeed. But they remain, for all our explanations, God’s words.

      Easy Chairs, Hard Words offers an honest look at many such difficult passages in Scripture. Presented as a series of fictional conversations between a curious young Christian and a seasoned pastor, these dialogues speak with clarity to those new to the Reformed faith. They begin with the question, Can salvation be lost? and from there wrestle with other hard-to-swallow doctrines, including the freedom of the will, election, and original sin.

      Hard words, and yet the understanding given these passages is thoughtful and gentle. For our God ,the God of hard words, is a merciful and loving Father, slow to wrath and quick to pardon, a triune God who graciously rescues men from death and brings them into everlasting life.


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    • Still Sovereign : Contemporary Perspectives On Election Foreknowledge And G (Rep

      Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $29.96.

      Scripture says that God is sovereign over all things, yet we have free will to determine our actions. So to what extent is God supreme? In this masterful examination of the sovereignty of God, 13 respected scholars help you understand the full authority of the Lord—and explain how to apply this knowledge to your life. Previously published as two volumes:The Grace of God and The Bondage of the Will.

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    • Essential Truths Of The Christian Faith

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      102 Chapters

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      For those who yearn for a deeper walk in faith, their journey can begin here. Dr. Sproul takes theology down off the dusty shelves of theological libraries and expounds in clear and simple, terms over one hundred major Christian doctrines. He offers readers a basic understanding of the Christian faith that will kindle a lifelong love for truth, which is foundational to maturity in Christ. Here are theologically sound explanations of the biblical concepts every Christian should know, written in a way we can all understand.

      Sproul’s homespun analogies and illustrations from contemporary life make this book interesting, informative, and easy to read. Take the next step!

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    • Institutes Of Christian Religion (Revised)

      Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $18.59.

      14 Chapters

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      John Calvin’s Institutes has established itself as one of the most important theological works ever written, writes Tony Lane. This abridged edition of the Institutes provides a readable and inexpensive sampler of Calvin’s greatest work.

      Lane has condensed the 1559 edition, retaining the heart of Calvin’s teaching on all his major themes. Hilary Osborne has put Henry Beveridge’s translation in simpler and more modern English.

      The result is a selection from the Institutes which is manageable for the average modern reader, in terms of length and of intelligibility. Lane reminds us that Calvin designed the Institutes to be a practical book …. He requires of all doctrine that it be scriptural and that it be useful for Christian living.

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