



    • What Is Thanksgiving

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $6.99.

      A new size for this fun and lively introduction to the meaning of Thanksgiving.

      Here’s an engaging introduction to the true meaning of Thanksgiving, now in a new, convenient size. Michelle Medlock Adams’s warm, humorous text lists all of the things that Thanksgiving might be about, before concluding that it is really about giving thanks to God who gives us all these things.

      Through the whimsical art and rhyming, fun-to-read verse, even the youngest child will come to a fuller understanding of the Thanksgiving holiday.

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    • Squanto And The Miracle Of Thanksgiving

      Original price was: $8.99.Current price is: $5.96.

      Experience the true story from American history about the spiritual roots and historical beginnings of Thanksgiving.

      This entertaining and historical story shows that the actual hero of Thanksgiving was neither white nor Indian but God. In 1608, English traders came to Massachusetts and captured a twelve-year-old Indian, Squanto, and sold him into slavery. He was raised by Christians and taught faith in God. Ten years later he was sent home to America. Upon arrival, he learned an epidemic had wiped out his entire village. But God had plans for Squanto. God delivered a Thanksgiving miracle: an English-speaking Indian living in the exact place where the Pilgrims landed in a strange new world.

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