






      In 2013, Compass Bible Church (Aliso Viejo, CA) put on an Equipped Conference titled, “Making the Big Church Small,” because the pastoral staff sensed a need to train people to engage in small groups faithfully and effectively.

      Ten years and five church plants later, our goal with this book remains much the same—to equip Christians with a practical guide for engaging in small groups. Each chapter is written by a Compass pastor who draws upon biblical principles and hands-on ministry experience.

      Though not exhaustive, the selected topics cover essential components of small group ministry that are scripturally based and fundamental to carrying out the Great Commission. Regardless of your current involvement in church small groups, we invite you to work through this material to become better prepared and more useful to the Lord in his Church.

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      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $12.49.

      In theology, just as in battle, some hills are worth dying on and others are not. But how do we know which ones? When should doctrine divide, and when should unity prevail? Just as a medic on a battlefield treats the severely wounded first and then moves on to the less serious injuries, we must prioritize doctrine in order of importance. Pastor Gavin Ortlund implores us to cultivate humility as we prioritize doctrine into four ranks―essential, urgent, important, and unimportant―so that we will be as effective as possible at advancing the gospel in our time.

      Published in partnership with the Gospel Coalition.

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    • After 50 Years of Ministry

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      Learn Ministry from One of the Best

      When Bob Russell became the pastor of Southeast Christian Church, it was just 120 people meeting in a basement. When he retired forty years later, it was nearing 20,000.

      Though Bob’s ministry was a clear success, he’d be the first to say it wasn’t perfect. In After 50 Years of Ministry he shares why. He reflects on the best of what he’s learned—sometimes the hard way—about ministry and leadership, like how to:


      • Respond to criticism
      • Protect your marriage
      • Stop comparing yourself to other pastors
      • Handle a staff moral failure
      • Prioritize preaching in your schedule
      • Build trust with your elders
      • Make the best use of downtime

      Hilarious, warm, and full of great stories and illustrations, After 50 Years of Ministry is sage advice from a faithful servant of God. If you are in leadership of any kind, don’t miss this chance to learn from one of the best.

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    • Center Church: Doing Balanced Gospel Centered Ministry

      Original price was: $36.99.Current price is: $24.99.

      Many pastors struggle to translate their theological beliefs into fruitful ministry in the places they are called to reach. It?s not enough to simply know what to believe (theology) or, on the other hand, how to do ministry (methodology)?they need something in between. They need help thinking about ministry in a culture that no longer believes Christianity is a force for good, let alone the source of ultimate revealed truth in the person of Christ. Center Church, a collection of twelve essays by Timothy Keller, outlines a theological vision for ministry that is organized around three core commitments: ? Gospel-centered: The gospel of grace in Jesus Christ changes everything, from our hearts to our community to the world. It completely reshapes the content, tone and strategy of all that we do.? City-centered: With a positive approach toward our culture, we learn to affirm that cities are wonderful, strategic and underserved places for gospel ministry.

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    • The Reformed Pastor

      Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $9.00.

      Richard Baxter was vicar of Kidderminster from 1647 to 1661. In an introduction to this reprint, Dr. J.I. Packer describes him as ‘the most outstanding pastor, evangelist and writer on practical and devotional themes that Puritanism produced’. His ministry transformed the people of Kidderminster from ‘an ignorant, rude and revelling people’ to a godly, worshipping community.

      These pages, first prepared for a Worcestershire association of ministers in 1656, deal with the means by which such changes are ever to be accomplished. In his fervent plea for the discharge of the spiritual obligations of the ministry, Baxter, in the words of his contemporary, Thomas Manton, ‘came nearer the apostolic writings than any man in the age’. A century later Philip Doddridge wrote, ‘The Reformed Pastor is a most extraordinary book…many good men are but shadows of what (by the blessing of God) they might be, if the maxims and measures laid down in that incomparable Treatise were strenuously pursued’.

      Today, Baxter’s principles, drawn from Scripture, and reapplied in terms of modern circumstances, will provide both ministers and other Christians with challenge, direction and help.

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    • The Gospel for Disordered Lives

      Original price was: $44.99.Current price is: $31.99.

      The gospel of Jesus Christ—the heartbeat of the Bible—brings life-changing hope and power to real people with real problems. Inspired by that conviction, The Gospel for Disordered Lives provides an introductory guide to the theory and practice of Christ-centered biblical counseling. Intended to serve as a foundational textbook for students in Christian colleges, universities, seminaries, and graduate schools, the book also provides a useful overview that working counselors can reference in their ministry contexts.

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    • Preaching with Bold Assurance

      Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $20.99.

      Preachers are under the biblical mandate to preach with conviction, passion, and in a way that the Word of God engages the audience and grips their hearts. Hershael York and Bert Decker have written a book that will equip preachers to do just that. Preaching with Bold Assurance brings the Bold Assurance concept to the pulpit, giving preachers a practical tool to help them use their minds, mouths, and beings to communicate effectively. Preachers will learn the tools for powerful and effective communication based on biblical truth and proven concepts from the business world so they can preach boldly and skillfully by understanding how God uses us as communicators.

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    • The Moody Handbook of Preaching

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $24.99.

      “Why is it that some can preach for an hour and it seems like five minutes, while others preach for only five minutes and it seems like an hour?” —Haddon Robinson

      The Moody Handbook of Preaching answers this question and many others through the experience, knowledge, and understanding of men and women who are experts in their fields and who love God and His church.

      Chapters are divided into four sections—Forming a Philosophy of Preaching, Mining the Text, Illustrating Truth, and Developing Methodology—that offer a multidisciplinary approach to preaching. Delve deep into topics such as:

      • Why Expository Preaching?
      • How Women Hear the Sermon
      • Preaching Historical Narrative
      • Drama and the Sermon
      • Using Technology to Enhance the Sermon
      • Sermons that Move
      • Exegeting Your Audience

      Seasoned pastors and rookie seminarians alike will benefit from this handbook that features the work of graduate and undergraduate professors at Moody Bible Institute as well as three Moody presidents.

      Discover insights and greater understanding on your path to better preaching.

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    • Gospel Centered Youth Ministry

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $16.79.

      Youth ministry is an essential part of most evangelical churches. And yet, there is a surprising lack of resources written specifically for youth workers focused on viewing all aspects of youth ministry through a gospel-focused lens. Featuring contributions from a host of experienced youth workers from a wide variety of churches, this how-to manual offers guidance related to every facet of youth ministry, from planning short-term mission trips to working with parents. Theologically rooted yet eminently practical, this handbook will equip youth leaders to effectively shepherd the young people under their care―training them to live faithfully in their homes, churches, and schools.

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    • Preaching that Changes Lives (Reprint Edition)


      Jesus spoke of the urgent need for his listeners to put his words into practice. Every text of Scripture and every biblical sermon demands a response. This book is designed to aid the preachers of God’s word to always keep this in view. Many books describe the general process of communicating the meaning of the truth of Scripture, but in this book Mike Fabarez persuasively contends that there is much more which can be done by today’s biblical preachers to study, pray, and proclaim those truths in a manner that brings about the impact that God intends his word to have. This practical and informative book helps to fill the void in many homiletical textbooks, which often fail to put the necessary emphasis on how accurate and Christ-honoring application of the Bible can be achieved.

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    • He Is Not Silent

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      “Contemporary preaching suffers from a loss of confidence in the power of the Word, from an infatuation with technology, from an embarrassment before the biblical text, from an evacuation of biblical content, from a focus on felt needs, from an absence of gospel.” Preaching, the practice of publicly expositing the Bible, has fallen on hard times. How did this happen? After all, as John A. Broadus famously remarked, “Preaching is characteristic of Christianity.” In this powerful book, He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World, R. Albert Mohler Jr. shows us how. In a style both commanding and encouraging, Mohler lays the groundwork for preaching, fans the flame on the glory of preaching, and calls out with an urgent need for preaching. This message is desperately needed yet not often heard. Whether you’re concerned or enthused by the state of the church today, join Mohler as he examines preaching and why the church can’t survive without it.

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    • Discerning Your Call To Ministry

      Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $9.75.

      If you are considering the ministry, there are two mistakes to avoid. The first is taking up a calling that isn’t yours. The second is neglecting one that is.

      Discerning Your Call to Ministry will help you know the difference. A tool for seminary students, pastors-in-training, and even current pastors, it serves to confirm or prompt deep thought about the calling to ministry through 10 probing questions, including:

      • Do you desire the ministry?
      • Does your church affirm your calling?
      • Do you love the people of God?
      • Are you willing to surrender?

      Pastoral dropout rates are high, and seminary admission rates are declining—signs that many of us don’t quite know what we’re signing ourselves up for. Author Jason Allen, a former pastor and the president of North America’s fastest growing seminary, gives readers a better picture of the calling. Presenting a series of diagnostic questions informed by Scripture, church history, and his own experience, he helps those seeking ordination or ministry positions make confident decisions about their service to God, one way or the other.

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    • Ready to Restore

      Original price was: $12.99.Current price is: $11.99.

      This accessible introductory volume brings Jay Adams’s counseling expertise to ordinary Christians who want to counsel peers in need. Redesigned for its fortieth anniversary and celebrating more than 60,000 copies sold, this edition includes updated lists of critical resources.

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    • Leading Today’s Funerals

      Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $11.99.

      This concise guide to bereavement ministry helps pastors lead people through funerals that honor the deceased and comfort those left behind.

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    • The Pastor’s Book: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry

      Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $43.30.

      Pastors are tasked with the incredibly demanding job of caring for the spiritual, emotional, and, at times, physical needs of their people. While seminary is helpful preparation for many of the challenges pastors face, there’s far more to pastoral ministry than what can be covered in the classroom. Designed as a reference guide for nearly every situation a pastor will face, this comprehensive book by seasoned pastors Kent Hughes and Doug O’Donnell is packed full of biblical wisdom and practical guidance related to the reality of pastoral ministry in the trenches. From officiating weddings to conducting funerals to visiting the sick, this book will equip pastors and church leaders with the knowledge they need to effectively minister to their flocks, both within the walls of the church and beyond.

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