


    New International Commentary (NICNT)

    • 1st Epistle To The Corinthians Revised Edition (Revised)

      Original price was: $67.99.Current price is: $45.00.

      This award-winning commentary by Gordon Fee, originally published in 1987, has been lauded as the best study available of Paul’s theologically rich first letter to the Corinthians. Writing primarily for pastors, teachers, and students, Fee offers a readable exposition of 1 Corinthians that clearly describes the meaning of Paul’s ideas and their larger theological relevance. More scholarly matters, including Fee’s considerable interaction with other commentators, are found in the footnotes. In this second edition, Fee has updated the text to make it even more accessible, including giving all biblical citations in full so that readers don’t have to look up references. Fee also includes a full bibliography of everything written on 1 Corinthians up until 2011, providing a wide range of resources for further study.

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    • Gospel Of John

      Original price was: $68.00.Current price is: $52.00.

      This elegantly written, section-by-section, verse-by-verse commentary gives primary attention to the Gospel of John in its present form rather than to the sources or traditions behind it.

      Since J. Ramsey Michaels takes seriously the Gospel’s claim to be the work of someone very close to Jesus – the disciple whom Jesus loved – he assumes it to be a testimony to events that actually took place in the life of Jesus. At the same time, his commentary places as much (or more) emphasis on the Gospel’s literary character and its theological contribution to a larger Christian community, both in its own time and up to the present. Michaels shows John to be a unified composition, intertwined with but not dependent on the other three Gospels, drawing sometimes on their traditions and at other times on earlier traditions unknown to Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

      Seventeen years in the making, synchronic in approach, reflecting fifty years of classroom teaching, packed with fresh insights, and displaying a great deal of independent judgment, this landmark commentary should prove to be highly useful not only to scholars and students but also to its main target audience of pastors.

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    • 1st And Second Letters To The Thessalonians

      Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $43.00.

      In The First and Second Letters to the Thessalonians Gordon Fee’s first aim is a fresh exposition of the biblical text. He shows the reader what is in the text, then what was meant by the text and what it means. Fee reveals the logic of each argument or narrative before moving on to the details of each verse. He concludes each section with a theological or applicational reflection on the meaning of the text today.

      In order to make his work not only useful, but also understandable, Fee uses diagrams of sentence structure, italics for emphasis, and a listing of points. He explores authorship, the city of Thessalonica, and the occasion for writing for each epistle, restoring 2 Thessalonians to the place it deserves as a full companion to the first letter, rather than merely a tagalong to 1 Thessalonians.

      Like Fee’s previous volumes in this series, this insightful, thoroughly readable commentary on Paul’s two letters of thanksgiving, information, encouragement, and exhortation to the separated, suffering community of Gentile converts in Thessalonica is destined to become the premier work on these books.

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    • Gospel Of Luke

      Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $35.40.

      Looking for a fresh perspective on Luke’s Gospel? You’ll find it in this latest addition to the NICNT. Green’s incisive analysis explores Luke’s use of narrative genre, the narrative unity linking Luke’s Gospel with Acts, and the question of authorship to give you a solid framework for understanding the cultural and spiritual influences that shaped this pivotal New Testament work.

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    • 2nd Epistle To The Corinthians

      Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $32.48.

      The original New International Commentary for this Pauline letter, written by Philip Edgcumbe Hughes in 1962, received much critical acclaim. Now Barnett, an Anglican bishop, continues to carry the torch of excellence with this revised work. Scholarly in content, this version is enhanced by Barnett’s pastoral experience, making it even more useful for students and pastors.

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    • Epistle To The Galatians

      Original price was: $38.00.Current price is: $29.03.

      In this careful and balanced commentary, Fung contributes to scholarly discussion of Paul’s writing and to the needs of preacher and student. He argues that the doctrine of justification by faith was central to Paul’s ministry from the beginning, and he shows how the apostle set out the doctrine in response to the Galatian crisis. The detailed commentary is based on the NEB.

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