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    • Bitesize Theology : An ABC Of The Christian Faith

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.99.

      In this easy-to-read book, Peter Jeffery shows us just how tantalizingly enjoyable Bible teaching can be. With short but solid chapters on key subjects, he outlines the ABCs of the Christian faith.

      Each of the chapters is bite sized. There is just enough to manage at one time, and you will find there is much to nourish the mind as well as to warm the heart and inspire the will. Quotations from other writers are also included, as is a list of recommended books for additional reading. There is also a guide for reading the New Testament and Psalms through in a year.

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    • Charts Of Cults Sects And Religious Movements

      Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      19 Chapters

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      When you want well-organized, essential information on one of the many cults, sects, and movements that dot today’s religious landscape, this collection of charts is invaluable. It gives you both the overview and the details on the most significant groups, starting with facts about history, membership, worship practices, leaders, and publications for a given group. From there, you’ll find the group’s doctrinal position presented in its own words, together with the orthodox view for comparison. GROUPS COVERED INCLUDE Alamo Christian Ministries, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Christadelphians, Christian Identity Movement, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Church Universal and Triumphant, A Course in Miracles, Eckankar, The Family/Children of God, Freemasonry, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mind Science groups, New Age Movement, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints, Rosicrucianism, Unification Church, United Pentecostal Church, Urantia Foundation, and The Way International.

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    • Truth Decay : Defending Christianity Against The Challenges Of Postmodernis

      Original price was: $19.00.Current price is: $16.99.

      InterVarsity Press Publication

      The concept of absolute truth has eroded over time. Groothuis demonstrates that the basic tenets of postmodernism are intellectually flawed and hostile to Christian views. In this biblical and logical presentation, he unveils how truth has come under attack and how it can be defended in the areas of theology, apologetics, ethics, and the arts.

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    • Providence And Prayer

      Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $31.00.

      If God has already decided how things will turn out, what use is it to pray? On the other hand, if our freedom limits God’s ability to achieve his wishes all the time, how much could he do even if we asked for help? How much does God know about the future, and how does this factor into the way our prayers affect the outcome? And how does God’s relationship to time enter into the whole question? With such questions in mind, Terrance Tiessen presents ten views of providence and prayer and then wraps things up with his own proposal. The result is a book that puts us at the intersection between theological reflection and our life and conversation with God. It prods and sharpens our understanding, making us better theologians and better prayers.

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    • What The Bible Says About Parenting

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $9.59.

      More than ever, Christians need to know what the Bible actually teaches about parenting, and put it into practice. In What the Bible Says About Parenting, pastor/teacher John MacArthure presents time-proven principles of biblical parenting clearly and carefully to help parents make sense of their duties before God and to bring up their children in the ways of the Lord. In addition to this new trade paper edition (previously titled Successful Christian Parenting), there is also a resource kit and two workbooks available to help Christian parents instruct their children in a godly manner.

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    • Making Sense Of The Trinity

      Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $17.00.

      1. Is The Doctrine Of The Trinity Biblical?
      2. Does The Doctrine Of The Trinity Make Sense?
      3. Does The Doctrine Of The Trinity Make Any Difference?
      112 Pages

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      Despite the common use of the phrase Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, many Christians and plenty of nonbelievers lack an understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. This often is a barrier to faith or growth, but one that can be overcome when explored openly and thoroughly. The Trinity has much to teach us about the essence of God and our relationships with one another.

      In Making Sense of the Trinity, Millard J. Erickson demonstrates the biblical foundation, logic, and importance of the Trinity as he answers these three questions:

      – Is the doctrine of the Trinity biblical?
      – Does the doctrine of the Trinity make sense?
      – Does the doctrine of the Trinity make any difference?

      The book is the latest in Baker’s 3 Crucial Questions series, which seeks to examine the most challenging aspects of Christian theology. Erickson’s down-to-earth language communicates to laity, seminary students, pastors, and scholars alike. All four groups will appreciate the reliable guidance of this respected scholar.

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    • Adoniram Judson : Bound For Burma

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $5.29.

      As America’s first foreign missionary, Adoniram Judson thirsted to see the Good News brought to the shrouded land of Burma. His thirst would be quenched, but at an unimaginable price. Adoniram survived starvation, imprisonment, and torture both on land and at sea only to watch his family, coworkers, and friends succumb to death.

      In spite of heartache and depression, Adoniram Judson translated the entire Bible into Burmese. To this day his work remains the only Burmese translation of the Bible available. Adoniram and his first wife Ann were the spark that spread the fire of the Gospel into Burma, and their evident love for the Burmese people is a compelling story of unswerving dedication and sacrifice.

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    • David Livingstone : Africas Trailblazer

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $6.50.

      The lion’s jaws gripped David Livingstone’s arm. Razor-sharp teeth pierced his flesh as the lion savagely shook David in the air like a rag doll. A gunshot ran out. God help us, David moaned, as the lion dropped him and turned to charge David’s friend Mebalwe.

      With the heart of an explorer and the passion of an evangelist, David Livingstone mapped vast, unexplored areas of Africa, sharing the gospel with whomever he encountered. His stamina, perseverance, and dogged determination created the legacy of a trailblazing explorer with an undying hunger to make Christ known wherever his steps led him.

      David Livingstone’s captivating adventures and tireless zeal continue to inspire countless men and women to bring the gospel message of God’s love to those souls who have never heard. (1813-1873)

      This best-selling, missionary biography series – Christian Heroes: Then & Now – chronicles the exciting, challenging, and deeply touching true stories of ordinary men and women whose trust in God accomplished extraordinary exploits for His kingdom and glory.

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    • Biblical Creationism : What Each Book Of The Bible Teaches About Creation

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $12.99.

      Does it matter whether Christians believe in a literal 7-day creation? Morris, father of the modern creationism movement, believes it does—in fact, he considers this doctrine to be central to our faith. To prove his point, he illustrates that creation is mentioned in every book of the Bible—from Genesis to Job to Revelation.

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    • Strengthening Your Marriage

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $8.99.

      Whichever term describes your marriage, there are ways to make it (even) better. That?s because God has designed marriage to be a relationship of deep unity and strength. Despite the challenges that couples face today, marital harmony need not be considered an impossible ideal.

      Wayne A. Mack recognizes the challenges before us, and shows us how to meet those challenges with growing success. In this book, he has gathered a wealth of biblical insight and practical information on marital roles, communication, finances, sex, child rearing, and family worship. Both as a counseling aid and as a guide for husbands and wives to study together, this book offers true hope and help where couples need it most.

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    • Still Sovereign : Contemporary Perspectives On Election Foreknowledge And G (Rep

      Original price was: $34.00.Current price is: $29.96.

      Scripture says that God is sovereign over all things, yet we have free will to determine our actions. So to what extent is God supreme? In this masterful examination of the sovereignty of God, 13 respected scholars help you understand the full authority of the Lord—and explain how to apply this knowledge to your life. Previously published as two volumes:The Grace of God and The Bondage of the Will.

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    • Spurgeon On Prayer And Spiritual Warfare

      Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $15.99.

      Prayer is the Christian’s lifeline to God, and with it lives are changed for eternity! Charles Spurgeon knew the secrets of prayer and that God has established divine principles and promises for our every need. He reveals these principles and shares how God has answered the prayers of men and women since the beginning of Bible times. He also shows how you can gain freedom over sin, enjoy peace in troubled times, protect yourself from Satan, offer short prayers that bring big answers, receive bountiful blessings, see God answer even faulty prayers, and get what you pray for.

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    • Autobiography Of George Muller

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $8.59.



      1. An Unlikely Preacher
      2. The Prodigal’s Return
      3. Stepping Out Into Ministry
      4. Preaching, Studying, And Growth
      5. Learning To Live By Faith
      6. Beginning The Ministry At Bristol
      7. The Scriptural Knowledge Institution
      8. Proving God’s Faithfulness
      9. The Ministry Expands
      10. Persevering Under Trial
      11. Trusting God For Every Need
      12. Asking And Receiving
      13. Looking To The Lord
      14. Faith Strengthened By Exercise
      15. Daily Prayer And Timely Answers
      16. Food For Growing Faith
      17. A Time Of Prosperity
      18. God Builds A Miracle
      19. Answering God’s Call To Service
      20. A New Victory Of Faith
      22. Receiving More To Give More
      23. More Work And Greater Miracles
      24. Continued Prosperity And Growth
      25. The Spirit’s Work Among Us
      Conclusion P. 236

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      What can be accomplished in an ordinary man who trusts in an extraordinary God? George Muller discovered the endless possibilities!

      These excerpts from his diary allow Muller to tell his own story. Join him on his journey from a life of sin and rebellion to his glorious conversion. Share his struggles and triumphs as he establishes orphan homes to care for thousands of English children, depending upon God’s response to his prayer of faith to supply all things. You will learn how to:

      *pray in faith and receive answers
      *seek God for direction
      *find the ultimate purpose for your life
      *rest in God’s loving care

      George Muller’s unwavering, childlike dependence upon his heavenly Father will inspire you to confidently trust the God of the impossible in every area of your life.

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    • Letter Of James

      Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $26.67.

      This highly original commentary seeks to make the Letter of James clear and applicable to Christian living today. Interacting with the latest views on James but keeping academic references to a minimum, Douglas Moo first introduces the Letter of James in its historical context and then provides verse-by-verse comments that explain the message of James both to its first readers and to today’s church.

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    • Answering Jewish Objections To Jesus 1 (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $23.00.

      1. General Objections
      2. Historical Objections

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      What kind of answers hold fast in Jewish Christian apologetics? Answers that are fair. Answers that are detailed. And above all, answers that respond to actual objections. In the first of three volumes of Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus, Michael Brown provides defensible answers. He addresses the same arguments that arise in his dialogue and debate with friends, rabbis, and anti-missionaries. Some objections include:
      – I was born a Jew and I will die a Jew.
      – I won’t betray my ancestors.
      – If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, why isn’t there peace on earth?
      – Christians have always hated and persecuted the Jewish people!

      Brown knows all about such objections. At age sixteen, he discovered Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, and it changed his life. Called to defend his new faith, Brown went on to master Hebrew, earning his Ph.D. in Semitic languages. In the past decades he has established himself as a leading Jewish Christian apologist.

      Brown brings together his learning and his love for his people to answer thirty-five commonly heard objections. He provides believers and seekers alike with honest, spiritually focused answers, thoroughly documented with notes.

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