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    • Sammy And His Shepherd

      Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $13.86.

      Jonathan Edwards is well known as perhaps the greatest theologian the United States has ever produced. He is equally noted for his preaching and writing. But in this Long Line Profile, Dr. Steven J. Lawson considers the unique focus and commitment with which Edwards sought to live out the Christian faith.

      Lawson examines Edwards’ life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion, which cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. Drawing on Edwards’ writings, as well as scholarly accounts of Edwards’ life and thought, Lawson shows how Edwards sought to live out these lofty goals he set for the management of his walk with Christ. In Edwards’ example, he finds helpful instruction for all believers.

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    • Truth War : Fighting For Certainty In An Age Of Deception

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $9.50.

      Best-selling author John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God’s Truth and anchors Christians in God’s eternal Word. Right now, Truth is under attack, and much is at stake. Christians are caught in the crossfire of alternative Christian histories, emerging faulty texts, and a cultural surge to eliminate absolute Truth altogether. As a result, many churches and Christians have been deceived. Worse still, they propagate the deception that poses itself as Truth! In The Truth War, John MacArthur reclaims the unwavering certainty of God’s Truth and anchors Christians in God’s eternal Word.

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    • Philippians

      Original price was: $18.00.Current price is: $17.00.

      Paul’s letter to the Philippians may aptly be seen as a meditation on joy. But Paul’s joy, rather than the result of ease and comfort, is a contentedness made pure through suffering. Ralph Martin draws out these themes.

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    • Ephesians

      Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $19.00.

      Table Of Contents
      General Preface
      Author’s Preface To The First Edition
      Author’s Preface To The Second Edition
      Chief Abbreviations

      The Nature And Teaching Of The Letter
      Ephesians And Colossians
      Ephesians And Other New Testament Writings
      Arguments For A Later Date
      Other Evidence For Authorship
      The Work Of An Imitator Or Of The Apostle?



      Additional Info
      Ephesians vividly depicts how God’s will revealed in Christ reorients believers’ lives toward unity, mutual respect, submission and love–in short, new life in Christ. Francis Foulkes expounds with clarity and ease the letter’s central themes and emphases.

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    • Galatians

      Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $24.00.

      Table Of Contents
      General Preface
      Author’s Preface To The First Edition
      Preface To The Second Edition
      Chief Abbreviations

      Who Were The Galatians?
      Why Was The Letter Written?
      When Was The Letter Written?
      Why Did The Galatians Fall Away So Soon?
      What Is Theologically Central To The Letter?
      The Validity Of Paul’s Argument From Experience
      Important Issues In The Letter



      Additional Notes
      The Meaning Of Pneuma (5:16)
      The Kingdom Of God (5:21)

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      In his letter to the Galatians, the apostle Paul makes his most passionate and direct appeal for a gospel free of ethnic or ritual exclusion. Alan Cole illuminates the potency and power of Paul’s message to the Galatian church.

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    • Evidence For The Resurrection

      Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $14.99.

      When Jesus died on the cross, it seemed that all had been lost. Death had won. But after three days in a rich man’s tomb, Jesus appeared…alive! The news was so shocking that his followers refused to believe it until they saw him with their own eyes and touched his wounds with their own hands. Then Jesus made an amazing claim: In the future, they too would have resurrected bodies like his, bodies that would never deteriorate, age, or perish. They would have new life without death or pain in the presence of a loving God forever.But can we really believe His promise? For that matter, can we really believe that the promise was made by a man who rose from the dead? In this fascinating look at the claims of the Gospel writers and 2,000 years of believing Christians, bestselling author Josh McDowell and his son Sean examine the compelling evidence and conclude that Jesus Christ conquered death and the grave. In clear, concise, and accessible chapters, Josh and Sean present the facts about the resurrection and what it means for readers today.

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    • Bare Bones Bible Handbook For Teens

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $8.89.

      Bestselling author Jim George adapts his popular The Bare-Bones Bible Handbook (55,000 copies sold) for teens. This fast and friendly overview of every book of the Bible will inspire teens to explore the wisdom and truth of scripture as they discover: What is the major theme of each book of the Bible? What are the most important lessons for everyday life in each book? Who are the key characters, and what do they teach us? What are the key events in each book? This fascinating survey also includes sidebars geared to a teen’s interests and life, giving them a solid foundation of knowledge about the most important book ever written. And Jim George’s ability to make complex topics understandable will have readers referring to this resource again and again as their faith and wisdom grow throughout the years. A must for every youth group and leader.

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    • James

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $17.32.

      The aim of this series is to exegete each passage of Scripture succinctly in its grammatical and historical context. Each passage is interpreted in the light of its biblical setting, with a view to grammatical detail, literary context, flow of biblical argument, and historical setting.

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    • Virgin Birth : A Biblical Study Of The Deity Of Jesus Christ

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $18.99.

      Beginning with a fundamental doctrinal summary of the Trinity, Gromacki then considers the primary passages in both Testaments that present the virgin birth and the deity of Christ. He works through problem texts and supplies plausible alternatives where evangelicals differ. topics addressed in the book include the Two Gospel accounts of the virgin birth (Matthew and Luke), popular misconceptions about the virgin birth, physical and biological implications of the virgin birth and the socalled parallels to the virgin birth in pagan literature.

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    • Repent And Believe

      Original price was: $5.00.Current price is: $4.00.

      The Puritans believed in the reality of devil and in his deadly antagonism to the souls of men. To keep us in our lost and condemned state he employs two devices against us: he persuades us that repentance is easy and believing in Christ is impossible. Brooks masterfully uncovers Satan’s devices and skilfully prescribes the Bible’s remedies against them.

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    • Colossians And Philemon

      Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $17.19.

      Table Of Contents
      General Preface
      Author’s Preface
      Chief Abbreviations
      Map: Asia Minor In The Time Of Paul

      Colossians: Introduction
      –The Shape Of The Letter
      –The Circumstances Of Writing
      –Date And Place Of Writing
      –The Message Of Colossians: Then And Now

      Colossians: Analysis

      Colossians: Commentary

      Philemon: Introduction
      –The Circumstances Of Writing
      –The Nature Of The Request
      –The Place Of Philemon In The New Testament
      –The Outline Of The Letter

      Philemon: Commentary

      Additional Info
      In Colossians, Paul presents Christ as the firstborn over all creation, and appeals to his readers to seek a maturity found only Christ. In Philemon, Paul appeals to a fellow believer to receive a runaway slave in love and forgiveness. N. T. Wright offers comment on the books Colossians and Philemon.

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    • We Become What We Worship

      Original price was: $32.00.Current price is: $25.60.

      The heart of the Biblical understanding of idolatry, argues Gregory Beale, is that we become like what we worship. Employing Isaiah 6 as his interpretive lens, Beale demonstrates that this understanding of idolatry permeates the whole canon, from Genesis to Revelation.

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    • 1-3 John (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $42.77.Current price is: $37.39.

      This substantive commentary on the letters of John will help pastors, students, and teachers better understand and explain these New Testament books.

      This book offers a historical and theological commentary on the Johannine Epistles. It features the author’s detailed interaction with the Greek text, explores the relationship between John’s Epistles and Jesus’s work and teaching, interacts with recent commentaries, is attentive to the history of interpretation, and seeks to relate these findings to global Christianity.

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    • Mark (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $51.86.Current price is: $35.99.

      A highly respected New Testament scholar offers a substantive yet accessible commentary on a key New Testament book.

      The commentary focuses primarily on the Markan understanding of the Jesus traditions as reflected in this Gospel. The author analyzes each section of Mark to show how it fits the immediate and larger context of the Gospel. He offers verse-by-verse comments on the words, phrases, sentences, and themes found in the section and explores what Mark is seeking to teach.

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    • Jude And 2 Peter (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $42.74.Current price is: $36.99.

      In this addition to the award-winning BECNT series, respected New Testament scholar and biblical interpretation expert Gene Green offers a substantive yet highly accessible commentary on the books of Jude and 2 Peter. With extensive research and thoughtful chapter-by-chapter exegesis, Green leads readers through the sociological, historical, and theological aspects of these New Testament books.

      As with all BECNT volumes, Jude and 2 Peter features the author’s detailed interaction with the Greek text. This commentary admirably achieves the dual aims of the series-academic sophistication and pastoral sensitivity and accessibility-making it a useful tool for pastors, church leaders, students, and teachers. The user-friendly design includes shaded chapter introductions summarizing the key themes of each thought unit.

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