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    Program Resources

    • How We Got The Bible

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $10.99.

      Have you ever wondered who wrote the books in the Bible and how they ended up together? Has anyone ever told you that some books were cut out of the Bible or that the stories of Jesus in the Gospels can’t be trusted? In this book, dive into the fascinating account of the most amazing-and best-preserved-book the world has ever seen. Dr. Timothy Paul Jones gives easy-to-understand answers to popular questions on the Bible’s reliability and accuracy.

      *How the Old Testament and New Testament came to us
      *Definitions of popular terms such as inspired, inerrant and infallible
      *Reasons the New Testament books were chosen
      *Compelling stories behind Polycarp, Serapion, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, the King James Version of the Bible and more!
      *Fascinating facts about the Bible such as: there are more than 5,700 surviving manuscripts from the New Testament compared to 210 surviving copies of Plato.

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    • Why Do You Believe That Bible Study Book (Student/Study Guide)

      Original price was: $18.25.Current price is: $16.94.

      Why Do You Believe That? A Faith Conversation – Member Book provides a personal study experience for this video-driven women’s Bible study to equip women to have meaningful spiritual conversations.

      How confident do you feel in talking about matters of faith? Do you wish you could express your beliefs with more effectiveness? Join Mary Jo in a practical seven-session study and gain understanding and skill to share Jesus effectively with others, and you’ll better understand your own faith. Answer your doubts, build your confidence, and start changing lives.

      Participants who take this Bible Study will:

      Become equipped to share their faith and defend their faith conversationally with friends and neighbors
      Feel more confident in their faith and knowing what they believe
      Feel comfortable representing Christ to someone who doesn’t believe
      Take the mystery and fear out of sharing their faith
      Gain education, build a firm foundation, and be practically equipped

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    • Peacemaker : Student Edition (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $10.99.

      Tragic confrontations at schools throughout the past two decades are striking evidence that teens need help and training in peaceful conflict resolution. God knows each conflict a teen goes through–with their families, friends, and teachers–and he is in control. In this student edition of The Peacemaker, Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson show teens, youth leaders, parents, and pastors, how they can apply biblical principles to conflict situations, allowing for forgiveness and reconciliation instead of hatred or violence. With an approachable style that treats teens with respect, this much-needed resource can be used individually or as part of a small group or youth group study.

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    • Out Of The Blues

      Original price was: $10.95.Current price is: $9.95.

      ‘Out of the Blues’ addresses a problem that nearly everyone faces at some time in their lives. If you are not living with depression now, you know someone who is. Out of the Blues will: * Define and describe depression * Describe the dynamics of depression and how it develops * Present a biblical solution to the problem, and * Outline causes and solutions to the blues caused by loneliness. Excellent questions for discussion and application follow each chapter.

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    • Transformed Into His Likeness (Workbook)

      Original price was: $11.95.Current price is: $8.95.

      This workbook contains over 100 common problems facing Christians today along with biblical solutions for each. It explains the biblical process of change, helps identify where personal change is needed and provides Scripture references for problem areas. Practical worksheet will help implement biblical change in your life. This is an excellent resource for Putting Off sin and Putting On the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

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