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    Noel Piper

    • Treasuring God In Our Traditions

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $6.40.

      God is the treasure of our lives. He is part of everything we do, think, act, and say-literally, he is a part of us. This precious heirloom of Christ himself must be passed on to future generations. But how?

      Treasuring God in Our Traditions presents the importance of passing along Christ-centered traditions and a Bible-saturated legacy in Christ to future generations. Nol Piper helps her readers recognize how the everyday routines of life and the especially celebrations of holidays and dates can be practically passed down to future generations. When parents and grandparents seek to pass along the treasure of God to their children and grandchildren, they will develop and deepen their love for him.

      When family traditions are rooted in the Bible, the next generations will see that the greatest treasure that anyone can have is the treasure of God.

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    • Faithful Women And Their Extraordinary God

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $11.49.

      The lives of seven Christian women who did extraordinary things remind us of the miracles God can work in the lives of ordinary people.

      There is a great need in the church to study the lives of intelligent, capable, godly women from the past. Reading about such a women can encourage and challenge today’s women to make a difference for Christ among their families, in the church, and throughout the world.

      Noel Piper shares seven biographies of Christian women whom God used to do extraordinary things, with the aim of helping readers to gain wisdom from their examples. She uses excepts from letters and journals to add rich detail to each woman’s amazing story. Those women studied include Sarah Edwards, wife of one of America’s most renowned preachers, Jonathan Edwards; and Betsy Stockton, former slave who became the first unmarried female missionary of the modern missionary movement.

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