



    • Gods High Calling For Women

      Original price was: $9.99.Current price is: $6.99.

      The subject of women in the church is both important and controversial-John MacArthur is not afraid of either. In this revised work, MacArthur examines what the Bible teaches in I Timothy 2:9-15. He discusses topics ranging from the attitude and appearance of women to their role in and contribution to the church. God’s High Calling for Women can be used alongside or apart from the audio series available from Grace to You in either a personal or group study.
      Unique features:
      -Corresponds with the audio message series available from Grace to You
      -Features revised content and study questions
      -For personal or group study use

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    • Radical Womanhood : Feminine Faith In A Feminist World

      Original price was: $15.99.Current price is: $11.99.

      Biblical womanhood is not for the weak. In an age that seeks to obliterate God and His authority, modeling biblical womanhood involves spiritual warfare. Radical Womanhood seeks to equip new believers and long-time Christians alike, exposing the anti-God agenda of the three waves of feminism to date and presenting the pro-woman truth of the Scriptures. Illustrated with numerous personal testimonies, this book will dig deep into the Word and show how it can be lived out today.

      The foundation and core message of Radical Womanhood is consistent with the traditional complementarian teaching on biblical womanhood. However, the target audience, tone, and style are radically different. Most books on this subject take a heavily didactic tone that assumes an awareness of Christian lingo and a high degree of spiritual maturity. Radical Womanhood has the narrative approach appreciated by postmodern readers, but still incorporates solid, biblically-based teaching for personal application and growth.

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    • Choosing Forgiveness : Your Journey To Freedom

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $10.79.

      Scripture says that offenses will happen. People will let us down and we will let others down, too. Forgiveness is left up to us to pray about and then practice. Far from minimizing the hurt of the offense, readers are called to understand that offering forgiveness and letting go of bitterness is the only way to walk in faithfulness. Drawing on biblical teaching of our call to forgive, Nancy shows the reader that forgiveness is a choice, and the only pathway to true freedom.

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    • Path Of Loneliness (Reprinted)

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $12.19.

      A wise and much-loved author tackles the difficult topic of loneliness and shows readers how to make peace with it and grow through it.

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    • Damsels In Distress

      Original price was: $13.99.Current price is: $10.50.

      Damsels in Distress clearly reveals God’s principles for dealing with the common problems women face – first with others, then with themselves. Through its pages you will be stimulated to honestly analyze the problems through the grid of Scripture and then formulate practical applications that bring glory to God. Covering issues from gossip and slander to PMS and legalism, this book’s format is suitable for either personal reading or group study.

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    • Loving God With All Your Mind (Anniversary)

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $11.79.

      Fear, worry, and life’s daily cares can obscure our outlook. Discover inner joy when you focus your mind, find God’s purpose for your life, and move toward it! Recounting her own struggle with depression—and how she overcame it—George explores six Scriptures that will help you reflect on what is true, pure, lovely, and good.

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    • Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $12.59.

      The Bible is very clear on the high value of women – as wives and mothers of Christian families, but also as individual members of the body of Christ. Despite this, unmarried women often feel that somehow God has forgotten about them or passed over their prayers for a husband. Their trust in Him grows shaky as they begin to question His plan for their lives.

      Using biblical examples of the single woman’s role, Carolyn McCulley encourages readers to recognize that their singleness is not a burden, but a gift from God that allows them to perform a unique role in the church. Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye? focuses on building a relationship with Christ as the most important goal for single women.

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    • Attitudes Of A Transformed Heart (Student/Study Guide)

      Original price was: $12.95.Current price is: $10.98.

      Christians and non-Christians alike often embrace a low view of God, and consequently a casual view of sin and Scripture. This low view of God is reflected in their attitudes about God, their attitudes about Scripture, and their attitudes of the heart. This book is about being transformed by the renewing of your mind and not being conformed to this world (Romans 12:2).
      Your Heart is who you are on the inside. It is what you think, your motives, and your desires. Our hearts have been conformed to the world’s way of thinking. Paul wrote, And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind… (Romans 12:2). It takes grace from God and work on our part for our minds to be transformed to think God-honoring thoughts and to truly discern unbiblical philosophies.
      If you have a teachable heart, this book will help you truly honor God by what you think. Study questions are at the end of each chapter.

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    • Excellent Wife Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)

      Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $8.50.

      24 Chapters

      Additional Info
      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • Excellent Wife : A Biblical Perspective (Expanded)

      Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $11.95.

      The Excellent Wife was proven seaworthy on its maiden voyage and now the Revised Edition is impacting lives and marriages in an even greater way. Here is a scripturally based blueprint for the woman who really wants to be the wife God intended her to be. This book is based on Proverbs 31:10, An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels. Thousands of women have already discovered the worth of this volume and testify to lives and marriages changed because of a commitement to the principles presented here. If this is a commitment you have made, or want to make, The Excellent Wife answers the difficult questions facing you today.

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    • ProLife Answers To ProChoice Arguments (Revised)

      Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $14.00.

      If you’re concerned about the national debate over abortion, Randy Alcorn’s revised and updated Pro-life Answers to Pro-choice Arguments is an invaluable resource. He offers complete, concise—and biblical—responses to questions raised by pro-choice supporters, all based on impeccable research and scientific evidence. The final chapter—50 Ways to Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers—provides practical suggestions for personal involvement, including volunteer work, letter-writing, political action, and prayer.

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    • Hidden Art Of Homemaking

      Original price was: $16.99.Current price is: $10.99.

      The author reveals the many opportunities for artistic expression that can be found in ordinary, everyday life.

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    • Let Me Be A Woman

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.95.

      49 Chapters

      Additional Info
      We are called to be women. The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman. For I have accepted God’s idea of me, and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am and all that He wants me to be.

      Elisabeth Elliot is one of Christendom’s most able and articulate writers. In this new book, Let Me Be a Woman, she couples her own observations and experiences of life with her careful, lifelong study of the Scripture. The book is subtitled Thoughts on Womanhood for Valerie, and is the gift of this talented mother to a daughter on the threshold of her own marriage.

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    • If : What Do I Know Of Calvary Love

      Original price was: $5.99.Current price is: $4.59.

      What do I know of Calvary Love? Based on Corinthians 13, this booklet will help you meditate on God’s love and become a channel through which God can disburse His love in the world.

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