


    Personal Finance

    • Money Possessions and Eternity

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.25.

      This practical and refreshing theology of money contains topical and Scripture indexes, a study guide, and five helpful appendixes.

      Randy Alcorn presents a biblical and comprehensive view of money and possessions, including the following:

      • Why is money so important to God?
      • How can we be liberated from materialism?
      • What should we do about debt?
      • How much does God want us to give?
      • What about gambling? Investing? Insurance? Saving? Retirement? Inheritance?

      Who wants to settle for fleeting treasures on earth . . . when God offers everlasting treasures in heaven? It’s time to rethink our perspectives on money and possessions. In this thoroughly researched classic, Randy Alcorn shows us how to view these things accurately―as God’s provision for our good, the good of others, and his glory.

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    • Experience God As Your Provider


      We are at a unique time in American history and our personal history when we need real help, real hope, and real answers for the day to day realities we’re facing. We live in a financial and work world that is experiencing rapid and unprecedented changes.

      It is as if Americans have spent years building their financial houses that were like sand castles on the beach. For a long time many of our sand castles looked beautiful and kept getting bigger in the sunshine of the day. But now strong ocean tides and ground-shaking tremors beyond our personal control are beginning to move in and our sand castles are beginning to crack and their very existence is being threatened.

      This book was written to help you “consider your ways” and to consider God’s Word. Explore the idea of experiencing God as your provider, begin to build your finances and life on the solid Rock of God’s Word, and learn to become a generous person. This book is filled with Scriptures that will instruct and true stories that will inspire. This is not a money management book, but rather it is a book that will help you manage your life under leadership of Christ.

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    • Treasure Principle : Unlocking The Secret Of Joyful Giving

      Original price was: $14.00.Current price is: $9.25.

      In this revised and updated edition of the best-selling book, author Randy Alcorn introduces readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity, combining thoughtful Bible exposition with highly practical applications for everyday life. This edition includes a new section that addresses some common questions and misconceptions about biblical principles for our stewardship of material resources. As you engage with the perspective-shifting truths in this book, you’ll learn that when Jesus told His followers to lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, He intended that they discover an astounding secret: how joyful giving brings God maximum glory and His children maximum pleasure.

      In Randy Alcorn’s The Treasure Principle, you’ll unearth a radical teaching of Jesus-a secret wrapped up in giving. Once you discover this secret, life will never look the same. And you won’t want it to!

      Story Behind the Book
      After years of writing and teaching on the theme God owns everything, in 1990 Randy Alcorn was sued by an abortion clinic (for peaceful, nonviolent intervention for the unborn). Suddenly he had to resign as a pastor and was restricted to making minimum wage. Legally unable to own anything, Randy gave all his book royalties to missions work and need-meeting ministries. He and his family have experienced the reality of The Treasure Principle-that God really does own everything, takes care of us, and graciously puts assets into our hands that we might have the joy and privilege of investing in what will last for eternity.

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    • God And Money

      Original price was: $14.99.Current price is: $13.99.

      John Cortines and Gregory Baumer met as Harvard MBA candidates in a men’s Bible study and stopped asking How much should I give? and started asking How much do I need to keep? With their top-notch education and rising careers, Cortines and Baumer were guaranteed comfort and security for the rest of their lives. However, when their plans for saving and spending collided with God’s purposes for extravagant generosity, they were each compelled to make a life-changing decision that challenges the values held by mainstream America and many Christian commentators. Cortines and Baumer show not only how radically give, but explain how to do so responsibly.

      Dive into the story and get equipped with the practical tools to-
      *Easily set budgets for spending
      *Wisely steward your money
      *Prepare and save for your future-home ownership, retirement, higher education, etc…
      *Know what the Bible says about money, tithing, and faith
      *Discern when to give and when not to giveFrom the parables of the Rich Young Ruler to the Widow’s Mite, the Bible shows us that how we manage our money is critical to our relationship with God. God and Money uses these parables and more to teach you to save, spend, and steward your money in a biblical way by planting God’s purposes at the heart of your practices.

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    • Total Money Makeover Classic Edition

      Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $16.19.

      If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.

      Build up your money muscles with America’s favorite finance coach.

      Okay, folks, do you want to turn those fat and flabby expenses into a well-toned budget? Do you want to transform your sad and skinny little bank account into a bulked-up cash machine? Then get with the program, people. There’s one sure way to whip your finances into shape, and that’s with The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition.

      By now, you’ve heard all the nutty get-rich-quick schemes, the fiscal diet fads that leave you with a lot of kooky ideas but not a penny in your pocket. Hey, if you’re tired of the lies and sick of the false promises, take a look at this-it’s the simplest, most straightforward game plan for completely making over your money habits. And it’s based on results, not pie-in-the-sky fantasies. With The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition, you’ll be able to:
      *Design a sure-fire plan for paying off all debt-meaning cars, houses, everything
      *Recognize the 10 most dangerous money myths (these will kill you)
      *Secure a big, fat nest egg for emergencies and retirement!

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    • Managing Gods Money

      Original price was: $7.99.Current price is: $5.26.

      Money is often a taboo subject in polite society. But did you know that Jesus talked about money more than any subject—including heaven and hell? In this easy-to-follow Q&A version of Money, Possessions & Eternity, Alcorn deals with materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more—and challeges you to rethink your use of God-given resources.

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    • Money Possessions And Eternity (Revised)

      Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.25.

      What does the Bible really say about money? This completely revised and updated version of the classic best-seller provides a Christian perspective about money and material possessions based on the author’s painstaking study of the Bible. Randy Alcorn uses the Scriptures to approach this often touchy subject head-on. Thought-provoking arguments challenge readers to rethink their attitudes and use their God-given resources in ways that will have an eternal impact. Alcorn deals straightforwardly with issues of materialism, stewardship, prosperity theology, debt, and more. An excellent choice for group study as well as individual financial guidance. Includes a study guide and appendix with additional resources.

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