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Showing 1–15 of 130 resultsSorted by latest
$22.99Original price was: $22.99.$12.99Current price is: $12.99.Add to cartEl best seller de los libros de historias bíblicas con más de 5 millones de ejemplares vendidos, enseña a los niños las historias de la Biblia a través del nuevo arte vibrante y del texto cautivador, ¡está lleno de vida y diversión! Este libro es el ganador del Retailers Choice Awards 2006 en la categoría no ficción para niños.
Este libro de historias bíblicas con más de 5 millones de ejemplares vendidos enseña a los niños las historias y los personajes de la Biblia. Ahora, las historias bíblicas favoritas cobran vida con el nuevo arte vibrante e historias cautivadoras, haciendo de este libro el punto de partida perfecto para que los niños aprendan de la Biblia. Disfrutarán de las ilustraciones divertidas de Noé ayudando al elefante a subir al arca, Jonás orando dentro del pez, y mucho más, a medida que descubran el tesoro contenido en estas páginas al igual que ya lo han hecho millones de niños.
The best-selling Bible storybook of our time, over 5 million sold! Introduce children to the stories of the Bible through vibrant redesigned art and compelling text—it’s full of life and fun! The Beginner’s Bible® is the 2006 Retailers Choice Award winner in Children’s Nonfiction.
Introduce children to the stories and characters of the Bible with this best-loved Bible storybook. With vibrant art and compelling text, more than 90 Bible stories come to life. Kids ages 6 and under will enjoy the fun illustrations of Noah helping the elephant onto the ark, Jonah praying inside the fish, and more, as they discover The Beginner’s Bible® just like millions of children before. The Beginner’s Bible® is the 2006 Retailers Choice Award winner in Children’s Nonfiction.
$44.99Original price was: $44.99.$29.24Current price is: $29.24.Add to cartLa nueva Biblia de Estudio NBLA es la Biblia de estudio perfecta para cualquier persona que quiera entender la Palabra de Dios y para los cristianos que desean profundizar en las Escrituras, pero buscan una Biblia con la traducción más literal y moderna disponible en español.
La Biblia de Estudio NBLA, que incluye más de 12.000 notas de estudio claras y concisas, aporta muchas otras características, como 900 datos «¿Sabías que?», 120 perfiles de personajes bíblicos y 10 artículos temáticos. También cuenta con un glosario de términos clave, más de 80 mapas e ilustraciones, una extensa concordancia y 80.000 referencias cruzadas.
Con estas y muchas otras características incluidas, esta es una de las Biblias de estudio en español más completas disponibles en la actualidad.
- Texto íntegro de la NBLA
- 12.000 notas de estudio claras y concisas
- Introducciones y líneas cronológicas para cada libro de la Biblia
- Más de 80 mapas e ilustraciones
- 15 artículos temáticos
- Casi 900 datos «Sabías que»
- 80.000 referencias cruzadas
- Amplia concordancia
NBLA Study Bible
The new NBLA Study Bible is the perfect Study Bible for anyone who wants to understand God’s Word and for Christians who are committed to the Scripture but want a translation that can takes them deeper in their studies with the most literal and modern translation available in Spanish.
Including more than 12.000 clear, concise study notes, the NBLA Study Bible brings numerous other features—including 900 “Did You Know?” facts, 120 Bible character profiles, and 10 topical articles. It also features a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, an extensive concordance, and 80.000 cross-references.
With these and many other features included, this is one of the most comprehensive Spanish study Bibles available today.
- Full text of the NBLA
- 12,000 clear, concise study notes
- Introductions and timelines for each Bible book
- 80+ maps and illustrations
- 15 topical articles
- Nearly 900 “Did you Know” facts
- 80,000 cross – references
- Extensive concordance
$54.99Original price was: $54.99.$35.74Current price is: $35.74.Add to cartGalardonado por los Premios SEPA (Asociación de Editoriales Evangélicas) como la mejor Biblia de estudio con anotaciones del año 2023 en la categoría de Biblias de Estudio.
La NBLA Biblia de Estudio MacArthur es ideal para el estudio serio de la Palabra. Dr. John MacArthur reunió en un solo volumen todo su trabajo pastoral y erudición de más de 35 años para crear la Biblia de Estudio más exhaustiva disponible hoy en día. En ninguna otra Biblia de Estudio se puede encontrar una profundidad similar y que explique el contexto histórico, explicando el significado del texto, y expresándolo de manera práctica para la vida del lector.
El texto íntegro de la Nueva Biblia de las Américas retiene de manera precisa el significado de los idiomas originales, al mismo tiempo que provee claridad y legibilidad únicas. Respetando el mismo vocabulario, la gramática y la estructura de los originales, la Nueva Biblia de las Américas es la traducción moderna más literal disponible en español latinoamericano.
- Texto íntegro de la NBLA
- Referencias
- 8 mapas a todo color
- Más de veinte mil notas de estudio, gráficos, mapas, bosquejos y artículos del Dr. John MacArthur
- Resumen teológico
- Concordancia Temática, que incluye personajes y lugares
- Índice de las Doctrinas Clave de la Biblia
- Fácil de leer exclusiva Letra Comfort Print® 11
NBLA MacArthur Study Bible
Awarded by the SEPA Awards (Evangelical Publishers Association) as the best Study Bible with notes of the year 2023 in the Study Bibles category.
The NBLA Biblia de estudio MacArthur is perfect for serious study. Dr. John MacArthur has collected his pastoral and scholarly work of more than 35 years to create the most comprehensive study Bible available. No other study Bible does such a thorough job of explaining the historical context, unfolding the meaning of the text, and making it practical for your life.
The full text of the Nueva Biblia de las Américas accurately retains the meaning of the original languages, providing at the same time of unique clarity and legibility. Keeping the same vocabulary, the grammar, and the structure of the original languages, the Nueva Biblia de las Américas is the most literal modern translation of the Bible available in Latin American Spanish.
- Full text of the NBLA
- References
- 8 Full color maps
- More than 20,000 study notes, charts, maps, outlines, and articles from Dr. John MacArthur
- Theological overview
- Thematic concordance, including people and places
- Index to Key Bible Doctrines
- Exclusive Easy-to-read Comfort Print® 11
$49.99Original price was: $49.99.$32.49Current price is: $32.49.Add to cartCreada por mujeres, y para mujeres, la Biblia Ama a Dios Grandemente ofrece ideas que te animarán y equiparán para encontrarte con Dios en las páginas de las Escrituras y comprometerte más profundamente a través de la memoria de la Escritura, la oración y la reflexión diaria.
Esta Biblia anima y equipa a las mujeres para que se encuentren con Dios en las páginas de las Escrituras. Cada elemento de esta Biblia está bellamente diseñado para ayudarte a comprometerte con la Palabra de Dios para que puedas conocer el amor permanente de un Dios fiel.
Incluye una extensa introducción para dar el contexto, seguido de un plan de lectura que utiliza un marco simple y probado —Escritura, Observación, Aplicación y Oración— para guiarte a través del texto. Adicionalmente se ofrecen preguntas de reflexión y desafío para profundizar en determinados pasajes, y se proporcionan amplios márgenes para tomar notas.
- Texto completo de la NBLA
- Más de 60 perfiles de países con guías de oración específicas para cada nación, además de versículos que destacan las promesas de Dios a las naciones
- Testimonios de mujeres de todo el mundo cuyas vidas han cambiado al comprometerse con las Escrituras
- Más de 150 devocionales y una lista de versículos de memoria
- 50 planes de lectura para guiarte a través de los diferentes libros de la Biblia
- Las introducciones a los libros de la Biblia proporcionan una visión concisa del trasfondo y el contexto histórico del libro que se va a leer
- Plan de lectura bíblica de 365 días que te guiará a través de toda la Biblia en un año
- Índice temático y mapas originales a todo color en el texto
- Preguntas de reflexión y desafío incluidas en cada libro de la Biblia
- Arte de la palabra original para cada libro de la Biblia
NBLA, Love God Greatly Bible
Created by women, for women, the Love God Greatly Bible offers insights that will encourage and equip you to meet God on the pages of Scripture and engage deeper through Scripture memory, prayer, and daily reflection.
This Bible encourages and equips women to meet God on the pages of Scripture. Each feature in this Bible is beautifully designed to help you engage with God’s Word so you can know the abiding love of a faithful God.
Each book includes an extensive introduction to give context, followed by a reading plan that uses a simple, proven framework—Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer—to guide you through the text. Additional reflection and challenge questions are provided to go deeper on particular passages, and wide margins are provided for taking notes.
Features include:
- Full text of the NBLA
- Over 60 country profiles with nation-specific prayer guides, plus verses highlighting God’s promises to the nations
- Powerful testimonies from women around the world whose lives have been changed through engaging with Scripture
- More than 150 devotionals and memory verse list
- 50 reading plans to guide you through the different books of the Bibles
- Bible book introductions provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read
- 365 Day Bible Reading Plan guiding you through the entire Bible in a year
- Topical index, and original full-color, in-text maps
- Reflection and challenge questions included in each book of the Bible
- Original word art for each book of the Bible
$44.99Original price was: $44.99.$29.24Current price is: $29.24.Add to cartLa NBLA Santa Biblia Edición Artística, con un diseño de cubierta pintado a mano. El interior ha sido compuesto esmeradamente con la letra fácil de leer NBLA Comfort Print® y márgenes con lineas ligeras para tomar notas o dibujar.
• Formato para el lector: una sola columna con un tipografía de letra cómodo Comfort Print™ 9
• Cubierta con un diseño impresionante pintado a mano imprimida sobre tela suave y resistente
• Canto brillante con diseño en las páginas
• Márgenes amplios, con líneas para tomar notas, dibujar, etc.
• Palabras de Jesús en rojo
• Dos cintas marcadoras
• Resumen gráfico de la Biblia
• Índice de tópicosB-ESV MENS STUDY
$69.99Original price was: $69.99.$45.49Current price is: $45.49.Add to cartStudy Bible for Men with Resources from Alistair Begg, Ray Ortlund, R. Kent Hughes, and More
This ESV Bible features additional content written especially for men, including daily devotionals and articles from more than 100 acclaimed scholars and pastors. Along with robust Bible study notes to increase their understanding of Scripture, men will find encouraging resources to help them develop a deeper love for the Lord.
- Robust Bible Study Materials: Features 12,000 theologically rich study notes, comprehensive introductions of each Bible book, 120 character profiles, and 900 key biblical facts
- Daily Devotionals: Readings for each day of the year are tied to key Bible texts
- Contributions from Leading Bible Teachers: Includes content from Greg Gilbert, David Powlison, Sam Storms, and more
- Scripture Application Content for Men: 14 articles cover topics such as identity, communion with God, and leadership
- Beautifully Illustrated: Includes artwork from Peter Voth throughout to immerse readers in God’s Word
$59.99Original price was: $59.99.$38.99Current price is: $38.99.Add to cartThe ESV Journaling Study Bible, Artist Series pairs the content of a robust study Bible with extra-large, 2-inch margins that are perfect for writing down observations and prayers as you study God’s Word. Featuring more than 12,000 study notes adapted from the ESV Study Bible, this journaling Bible also includes nearly 900 special facts, 120 Bible character profiles, 10 topical articles, a glossary of key terms, more than 80 maps and illustrations, and 80,000 cross-references. These and many other features make it the most comprehensive and content-rich journaling Bible available today.
This special edition of the original ESV Journaling Study Bible features captivating cover artwork commissioned by Lulie Wallace, further inspiring creative engagement with God’s Word.
- Perfect for Journaling: 2-inch ruled margins are ideal for taking notes during a sermon, recording prayers and praises, or illustrating alongside Scripture
- 12,000 Study Notes: Accessible study notes on every page help readers dive deeper into Scripture’s meaning and application
- Robust Bible Resources: Includes 80,000 cross-references, 80+ maps and illustrations, 10 topical articles, 120 Bible character profiles, and more
- Beautiful Cover Artwork: Features an original design by Lulie Wallace
$99.99Original price was: $99.99.$64.99Current price is: $64.99.Add to cartThe ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way.
The ESV Study Bible, Large Print edition features the content of the award-winning ESV Study Bible with a highly readable, large-print type. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word.
- 20,000 study notes
- 80,000 cross–references
- 200+ charts
- 50+ articles
- 240 two-color maps and illustrations
- 16 full-color backmatter maps
- Size: 6.5″ x 9.25″
- 3,008 pages
- Double-column Bible text (10.75-point type); double-column notes (8.75-point type)
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Lifetime guarantee
$74.99Original price was: $74.99.$48.74Current price is: $48.74.Add to cartThe ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way.
The ESV Study Bible, Personal Size compresses all the features of the award-winning ESV Study Bible into a smaller size for easier carrying. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word.
- 20,000 study notes
- 80,000 cross–references
- 200+ charts
- 50+ articles
- 240 full-color maps and illustrations
- 5.375″ x 8.0″
- 2,720 pages
- Single-column Bible text (7.7-point type); double-column notes (6.3-point type)
- Black letter text
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Lifetime guarantee
$99.99Original price was: $99.99.$64.99Current price is: $64.99.Add to cartThe ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way.
The ESV Study Bible, Large Print edition features the content of the award-winning ESV Study Bible with a highly readable, large-print type. Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word.
- 20,000 study notes
- 80,000 cross–references
- 200+ charts
- 50+ articles
- 240 two-color maps and illustrations
- 16 full-color backmatter maps
- Size: 6.5″ x 9.25″
- 3,008 pages
- Double-column Bible text (10.75-point type); double-column notes (8.75-point type)
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Lifetime guarantee
$84.99Original price was: $84.99.$55.24Current price is: $55.24.Add to cartThe ESV Study Bible was designed to help you understand the Bible in a deeper way.
Extensive study notes, charts, maps, and articles make this study Bible a valuable resource for serious readers, students, and teachers of God’s Word.
- 20,000 study notes
- 80,000 cross–references
- 200+ charts
- 50+ articles
- 240 full-color maps and illustrations
- Size: 6.5″ x 9.25″
- 2,752 pages
- Single-column Bible text (9-point type); double-column notes (7-point type)
- Black letter text
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Lifetime guarantee
$69.99Original price was: $69.99.$45.49Current price is: $45.49.Add to cartThe ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, Large Print features the same high-quality Bible paper and two-inch ruled margins as the original ESV Single Column Journaling Bible, but now with larger, 9.5-point type. This new edition is perfect for those seeking a large-print Bible with plenty of space for notes, prayers, reflections, or artwork.
- Cream-colored paper
- 2″ ruled margins
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Ribbon marker
- 1 Bible reading plan
- Size: 6.5″ x 9.25″
- 9.5-point Lexicon type
- 1,568 pages
- Single-column format
- Packaging: O-wrap
$59.99Original price was: $59.99.$38.99Current price is: $38.99.Add to cart2″ ruled margins allow you to capture notes, prayers, and thoughts right inside your Bible.
“This edition includes just about everything I want in a Bible, and excludes everything I don’t.” ―Bible Design Blog
The ESV Single Column Journaling Bible features an easy-to-follow, single-column format with two-inch ruled margins, enabling you to easily align your notes, thoughts, and prayers alongside specific verses.
With high-quality Bible paper and cover materials, the ESV Single Column Journaling Bible is a durable edition for anyone who wants to capture sermon notes, prayers, artwork, discussion notes, or personal reflections in their Bible.
- Single-column format
- 2″ ruled margins for writing
- Cream-colored Bible paper
- Ribbon marker
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Size: 6.25″ x 8″
- 7.5 pt Lexicon type
- 1,360 pages
- Black letter text
- Packaging: O-wrap, clamshell box, or permanent slipcas
$29.99Original price was: $29.99.$19.49Current price is: $19.49.Add to cartThe ESV Large Print Compact Bible combines the benefits of a compact format with the easy readability of larger text. With 8-point type set in a double-column format, the ESV Large Print Compact Bible has the right balance of portability and usability. Bible readers of all ages will find this the perfect edition for travel and on-the-go reading.
- Words of Christ in red
- Ribbon marker
- Gilding (various editions)
- Concordance
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Lifetime guarantee (TruTone and leather editions)
$19.99Original price was: $19.99.$12.99Current price is: $12.99.Add to cartThe ESV Value Large Print Compact Bible features the full ESV text in a portable, readable format at an affordable price.
- 4.5″ x 6.5″
- 8-point type
- 1,376 pages
- Double-column, format
- Concordance
- Presentation page
- Packaging: O-wrap