G. Walter Hansen

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  • Galatians (Reprinted)

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $4.97.

    General Preface
    Author’s Preface
    Outline Of Galatians

    Additional Info
    Wherever ethnic rivalries are destroying societies, the book of Galatians calls Christians to express the truth of the gospel in communities where there are no ethnic or social or gender divisions. With this strong admonition, Walter Hansen introduces his IVP New Testament Commentary on Galatians. Unlike many other commentaries, Hansen’s volume highlights not only the individual dimensions of justification by faith but also its social implications. His bold, careful interpretation challenges students and teachers of this important Pauline letter to move beyond merely the question How can I, a sinner, be right before a just and holy God? and to find in Galatians a healing word addressed to the ongoing tensions of race, class and gender–a word worked out in the life of the whole church.

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  • Letter To The Philippians

    Original price was: $44.00.Current price is: $32.00.

    In this clear, concise exegetical commentary, G. Walter Hansen offers rich exposition of the text of Philippians as well as wisdom and maturity in its application. In so doing he emphasizes partnership – the social and corporate dimensions of community – in the progress of the gospel.

    After a moderately sized bibliography, the introduction takes up the historical setting of the city of Philippi, the nature of the letter, the occasion of the letter, and a preview of two key themes, the gospel of Christ and the community in Christ. The commentary itself considers Philippians in light of these themes, considering the greetings, reports of Gospel ministry, recommendations of two Christ-like servants, and other emphases on the gospel and on partners or servants.

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